Low Vision Services

The Lions Low Vision Center of Eastern CT will be here on May 5th at 1:00pm to discuss and guide you through getting free services that are available for people with low vision

“Melodies of Memories and Miracles Broadway Classics”

Broadway Baritone, James Michael will perform on May 3rd at 1:00pm.  James Michael is a world class baritone. His widely and critically acclaimed production of “Melodies of Memories and Miracles Broadway Classics” brings the sound of Broadway like no other. James has become one of the most sought after singer / entertainers in retirement communities across the country and is invited back numerous times during the year. James’s website www.jamesmichaelbaritone.com is full of testimonials, video and more about his incredible journey back into music.

New Horizon’s Band of the Community

Please welcome back on May 2nd at 1:00pm the New Horizon’s Band of the Community Music School to perform various marches, show tunes, and classics for us.  This all Seniors band is a reminder to us, that you are never too old to pick up an instrument.

AARP Foundation Tax Aides Available until April 13th

AARP Foundation Tax Aides will be at New London Senior Center between February 1st and April 13th, 2017, on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Please call us for free tax preparation appointments starting  February 1st.


Watercolor Plus

 Watercolor Plus ,  Mondays 10 am to 12 noon, May 1 to June 12 (no class Memorial Day) 6 week class $35. To register call Stephanie at 860 434-1605 ext 240

This class is an opportunity to experiment with watercolor and a variety of drawing and collage materials. Playful experimenting will be combined with exercises that will
give you a framework to try out new ideas. The instructor will introduce concepts and demos at the beginning of each class. Watercolor experience helpful but not required. Advanced students are welcome to work on their own projects with subject matter and materials that interest them. Individual instruction is given throughout class.

Instructor: Sharon Schmiedel Sharon has a BFA in painting from the Maryland Institute College of Art. She works in watercolor, acrylics, and collage. These works are energetic and expressive; it is the opposite direction from the many years she spent working in technical illustration, medical illustration, and graphic design. She is currently painting, exhibiting her artwork, and teaching.


Exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, and eating a balanced diet are your first steps to a stronger, healthier mind. For an extra benefit, try squeezing in this easy task as often as you can. Here is the first of seven tasks: 1. Calcium keeps your brain cells healthy, and there’s Perhaps no better source than a glass of milk. One study found that subjects who’d recently had higher levels of an antioxidant called glutathi- one, which prevents cellular damage in the brain. Try to work in three 8-oz servings a day-skim and low-fat milk are just fine. If that’s too much, you can also get calcium from dark leafy greens, cheese and yogurt.

Next helping tasks to come in the next coming months.

Come for lunch at the Senior Center!

Regular meals are served daily. Monthly menu can be reviewed on the last page of the newsletter. Please remember to make your reservation for the days you will be visiting the Center. Invite a friend or family member to come join you at the Bistro meals on Mondays!