Chasing Rainbows: The Road to Oz

October Day Long Trip – This trip is open to any adult, 18 years old and older

Goodspeed Opera House, East Haddam, CT

Thursday, October 27, 2016 

This trip has Some Walking

COST: $62 per person  includes Chasing Rainbows: The Road to Oz side orchestra ticket and transportation.  Lunch is on your ownLimited tickets available.

First, you will be dropped off near Goodspeed Opera House in East Haddam to enjoy time on your own for lunch.  Restaurants located next to Goodspeed Opera House to choose from are either La Vita Gustosa or Gelston House and both offer many options for lunch.  If you would rather (and weather permitting), you can bring a picnic lunch with you and enjoy outdoor seating at picnic tables located on the grounds of the Goodspeed Opera House overlooking the Connecticut River.

Following lunch, enjoy the 2pm matinee performance of Chasing Rainbows: The Road to Oz at the Goodspeed Opera House.  Set along the tranquil Connecticut River, the Goodspeed Opera House was built in 1876 by William Goodspeed.  This intimate theater brings you closer to the excitement of live musicals and will delight, inspire and entertain you with their shows!

Chasing RainbowsChasing Rainbows: The Road to Oz ~ An awkward girl with a golden voice blossoms into Judy Garland in this new musical about the bumpy road to “Oz”. The musical chronicles the early life of Judy Garland as it follows her (and her family) from their home in Minnesota through the vaudeville circuit and to Hollywood.  The future superstar’s complicated life comes alive with heartbreak, hope and the music that made her famous.  “I Can’t Give You Anything But Love”, “You Made Me Love You” and “Over the Rainbow”.  Meet stars from the Golden Age of Hollywood like Clark Gable, Lana Turner, Deanna Durbin, Mickey Rooney, Jean Harlow, and Shirley Temple, experience the rush of stardom as Judy Garland is cast in The Wizard of Oz, and understand what ultimately drove this extraordinary woman to become a legend.

This trip will be using the Senior Center bus for transportation. 

You are responsible to find your own ride to the Senior Center before and after the trip.

10:45 AM  Depart Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich
5:15 PM  Approximate return time


Senior Center Members, Norwich Residents-Beginning Sunday, August 21 at 5:00pm
Senior Center Members, Non-Residents-Beginning Monday, August 22 at 5:00pm
Open Registration (Any Adults, aged 18 years and older)-Beginning Tuesday, August 23 at 5:00pm

*On your registration day, Dial 860-889-5960.  When you hear the message saying the Senior Center is closed, dial 3433 for the trip registration voice mail and follow the instructions.*

Wright’s Farm Restaurant, Wright’s Dairy Farm & Bakery

September Mini-Trip: Mini-Trips are open Rose City Senior Center members only

Harrisville & North Smithfield, RI

Thursday, September 8th 

Cost: $16 which must be paid when you sign up.

No refunds given after September 1st unless your spot is filled.
Bus leaves Senior Center at 10:15am and returns approximately 4:15 pm.
Sign up at reception starting Monday, August 15th

Wrights FarmEnjoy a delicious, all you can eat, family-style chicken luncheon at Wright’s Farm Restaurant!  Your fabulous meal consists of dinner rolls with butter, fresh green salad with Wright’s Farm Classic Italian dressing, pasta with red sauce, Wright’s amazing French fries and of course Wright’s famous, tender and juicy roast chicken.  Included with your meal will be coffee or tea and if you have room –ice cream for dessert!

Following lunch, a short ride brings you to Wright’s Dairy Farm & Bakery.  Wright’s Bakery specializes in a number of baked goods, including dessert cakes, cupcakes, cream pastries, flaky pastries, pies, bars, sweet rolls and buns, plenty of assorted cookies and much more!

cute-baby-cowTheir bakery is renowned for using only the highest quality ingredients including fresh milk and cream from their own cows.  Fresh dairy products are also available including milk, cream, coffee milk, chocolate milk, cheddar cheese and ice cream!

Be sure to leave some time to “visit” the cows and learn more about a working dairy farm before you leave!


New 6 Week PiYo Strength Class

On August 26th at 8:00am we will be starting a new 6 Week PiYo Strength Class on Friday mornings. It is a fun, work at your own level class, joining Pilates and Yoga into one workout.  You will burn calories, tone muscles, work on balance and get a great stretch.  It is designed to build strength and flexibility.  You will exercise your body, mind and spirit.  Yoga mat needed. The cost is $24.00 which is due at the first class and requires pre- signup.  This six week class will cost $24.00 and prepayment
is required at the office.  Make payment out to:  Marsha Pirie.  Minimum of 10 people will be needed to hold this class

Entertainer: Pat Mitchell

Entertainer/ Pianist Pat Mitchell
Join us on August 24th at 1:00pm as Pat Mitchell, pianist who currently performs at the Norwich Inn and Spa and has performed for many years at the Lighthouse Inn, will entertain us. This performance is free and open for all to attend.

Guiding Eyes Puppies Visit

On August 2nd., join us for the Guiding Eye Puppies Visit at 1pm.

Keep Calm and Color On

Keep Calm and Color On
“NEW” Keep Calm and Color On will be held on August 8th and 22nd from 10:00-11:00. All materials provided. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 for more information.

Movie:Blind Side

Movie: Blind Side
This movie starring Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw is based on the True Story about Michael Oher a homeless African-American youngster from a broken home, taken in by the Touhys, a well-to-do white family who help him fulfill his potential. At the same time, Oher’s presence in the Touhys’ lives leads them to some insightful self-discoveries of their own. Living in his new environment, the teen faces a completely different set of challenges to overcome. As a football player and student, Oher works hard and, with the help of his coaches and adopted family, becomes an All-American offensive left tackle. This will be shown in Closed Caption on August 12th at 12:45pm.

“Raising Guide Dogs”

Join us on August 23rd at 1:00 pm as local residents Janet Cody and Val Hazlin present a program entitled “Raising Guide Dogs.”  This free interactive program will involve real guide dogs in training.

Happy Retirement Anne Barriere!

Wednesday, August 31st
Noon-2:00 p.m.

Anne Barriere After working for the City of Norwich for the past 21 years, 13 being with the Rose City Senior Center, Anne is retiring.  Anne has been a very dedicated member of the Senior Center team as our Office Coordinator and handled such tasks as payroll, the VOICES monthly newsletter, accounts payable, MED RIDE II scheduling, our website and several other duties that generally go unnoticed by the general public, but have led to many successful programs and services for the Senior Center.  Her hard work, creativeness and dedication to serve the seniors of our community will be greatly missed.

Please join us on Wednesday, August 31st between the hours of Noon and 2pm for some cake and refreshments as we celebrate her Retirement.