Concert: Coast Guard Dixieland Band

FREE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: THE COAST GUARD DIXIELAND BAND Join us on July 21st at 7:00pm.  All ages welcome!!  Bring your chairs, blankets, dinner, etc. the performances will be held out on the lawn (weather permitting) or inside if the weather is inclement.  A free ice cream social sponsored by the Old Lyme Republican Town Committee will follow.

Life Line Screening

Life Line Screening  Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, is pleased to offer a preventive health event at Lymes’ Senior Center on 7/23/2016.  Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems
related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount).  All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete.  In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888653-6441 or visit

Ingenious Ways to Train our Brain

Ingenious Ways to Train our Brain  Led by Laura Kokoska RN this program will be held on July 15th at 1:00pm. and is open to all seniors. Included will be games and exercises that stimulate our minds and light movement.  She will show us how healthy aging can be achieved and how to grow new brain cells and make more connections between them. To register for this free program please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240.

Summer Concert: The Cartells

FREE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: THE CARTELLS Join us on July 14th at 7:00pm. All ages welcome!!  Bring your chairs, blankets, dinner, etc. the performances will be held out on the lawn (weather permitting) or inside if the weather is inclement.  A

Learn Facebook

Learn to make a Facebook Class  Learn the ins and outs of the popular social networking site, Facebook. Dive right into finding friends and family, writing a post, and navigating the security settings.  On Monday, July 11th from 1-3 p.m., we will be holding a free 2 hour class open to all seniors.  Limited space available.  Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to register.  Laptops and class instructions are funded by a grant from the Lyme Old Lyme Education Foundation.

Renter’s Rebate Program

Renters Rebate is a program for low-income, elderly or disabled people who rented in Connecticut in 2015, have not applied for homeowners Circuit Breaker Program and who currently live in Norwich.

Income limits:
Singles $35,200
Couples is $42,900.

Call 860-889-5960 for an appointment.

Katherine Hepburn From Hartford to Hollywood

Katharine Hepburn: From Hartford to Hollywood With a stage and film career that spanned six decades, Katharine Hepburn is an American icon. Born and raised in Connecticut her life-long ties to Connecticut offers a complete picture of how Hepburn became the woman and the star she was. Join us for this free slide show & presentation by the Connecticut Historical Society on July 13th at 1:00pm. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to register.


November Day-Long Trip – This trip is open to any adult, 18 years old and older

Wednesday, November 30th

COST: $35 per person  includes transportation.  Driver tip is not included. All food and drink purchases are on your own.

Don’t wait to sign up, spaces are limited. Call Hilary to Sign Up! (860) 889-5960

July 2016 NYC and On Your Own insert_page4_image1Let us do the driving and you plan your day!  A great opportunity to start (or finish!) your holiday shopping or just enjoy all the endless sights New York City as to offer.  Be amazed at the Winter Wonderland the city transforms into at the Holidays!  With endless restaurants, cafés and bakeries, you will not leave hungry!  Your drop off and pick up location will be near Radio City Music Hall.

The sights within walking distance are countless, but just to name a few…St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Museum of Modern Art, Madame Tussaud’s, NBC Studio, Time Square, and of course Rockefeller Center to see ice skating and the amazing Rockefeller Center Christmas tree!  And don’t forget to check out some of the amazing Holiday Window Displays throughout the city!  A magical time of year to visit New York City!

(We will be leaving NYC at approximately 4:15 p.m.)

7:00 AM Depart Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich
8:30 PM Approximate return time to Norwich


November Day Long Trip – This trip is open to any adult, 18 years old and older

Featuring the Rockettes!
With time on your own in NYC!
Wednesday, November 30th

This trip has Moderate Walking

COST: $96 per person  Includes 2:00 p.m. Christmas Spectacular 1st Mezzanine show ticket and transportation.  Driver tip is not included. All food and drink purchases are on your own.

Call Hilary to Sign Up! (860) 889-5960

July 2016 NYC and On Your Own insert_page3_image1Enjoy a favorite holiday tradition in New York City!

Your wonderful and festive day starts with time on your own to shop, dine and see the sights in New York City!  Be amazed at the Winter Wonderland the city transforms into at this time of year!  With endless restaurants, cafés and bakeries, you will have plenty to choose from for lunch!  Be sure to leave time to see the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree before heading to our 2pm matinee performance of Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular!

Get ready to be mesmerized with the 2016 Radio City Christmas Spectacular, starring the world famous Rockettes!  The amazing show this year includes beloved favorites like “Parade of The Wooden Soldiers”, “New York at Christmas” and the “Living Nativity” but also features captivating new scenes, dazzling new Rockettes numbers and state-of-the-art technology that will immerse you in the magic of the holidays!

7:00 AM Depart Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich
8:30 PM Approximate return time to Norwich

The Big E (W. Springfield, MA) – Celebrating 100 Years!

SEPT. Day-Long Trip – This trip is open to any adult, 18 years old and older.

Friday, September 16

This trip has Mostly Walking

COST: $38 per person – Includes the Big E entrance fee and transportation. Driver tip is not included in the price of the trip.


Voices 2016-07_page4_image1Join us on Opening Day at The Big E for a day full of fun!  It’s the last blast of Summer! This year is the 100th anniversary of The Big E Fair!  The Big E is the largest fair in New England with great fun and entertainment such as, The Big E Super Circus, the Avenue of States, Storrowton Village Museum, Farm-A-Rama, the Daily Parade, plus an array of exhibits, rides, shopping, crafts, and TONS of foods.  Don’t forget to try The Big E Cream Puff or The Big Éclair!  Opening Day at The Big E is also Military Appreciation Day!

9:00 AM Depart Marcus Plaza, 624 W. Main Street, Norwich
9:30 AM Depart Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich
7:45 PM Approximate return time to Norwich.

Senior Center Members, Norwich Residents-Begins Sunday, July 10th at 5:00 p.m.
Senior Center Members, Non-Residents-Begins Monday, July 11th at 5:00 p.m.
Open Registration (Any Adults, aged 18 and older)-Begins Tuesday, July 12th at 5:00 p.m.
*On your registration day, Dial 860-889-5960. When you hear the message saying the Senior Center is closed, dial 3433 for the trip registration voice mail and follow the instructions.*