Popcorn and a Movie

The movie The Little Princess starring Shirley Temple will be shown on May 27th at 12:45pm in closed caption.

Movie: The Little Princess

Movie: The Little Princess

Join us on May 27th at 12:45pm as we show in closed caption the movie The Little Princess starring Shirley Temple. When her father, Captain Crewe, goes off to fight in the Boer War, young Sara Crewe (Shirley Temple) is placed into the care of Amanda Minchin, the head of an exclusive private school for girls. Sara lives a wonderful life of a privileged child and is quite happy in her surroundings. When her father is listed as missing in action however, her life goes from one of plenty to that of a poor house maid. Mrs. Minchin agrees to keep her on at the school, but in the absence of her tuition payments, she has to work for her keep. She is soon cleaning out the fireplace and scrubbing floors and is dubbed the little princess by her former schoolmates. She also refuses to accept that her father is dead and prowls the hospitals in the hope of locating him. Luck – and Royal intervention – assist her in her quest.


Start collecting plastic bags, same color from the same store and

save as many as you can before the class begins.

The first project will be a very simple eye-glass case.

5 classes                                Free

Mondays 10am-11am             There is supply list

Begins May 8th

Registration begins May 1st

Crochet Hook


Estate and Funeral Planning

Please join us for a free, hour long seminar that will inform you all that you need to know when starting to plan your estate and funeral plans. May 26th from 6:00-7:30pm at the Lymes’ Senior Center, come see your local funeral director Nicholas Fulton, and estate attorney Brendan McKeever present why it is essential for you to protect you and your family by taking a proactive leap in planning your estate, wills, power of attorney, cemetery, and funeral arrangements. Don’t miss this opportunity to have all of your questions answered! Please RSVP to Fulton-Theroux Funeral Home 860-443-8355 to reserve your seat, space is limited.

Halloween Idea

October 31st


Are You Getting Your 40 Winks? An Herbal Sleep Pillow Workshop

Are You Getting Your 40 Winks?  An Herbal Sleep Pillow Workshop will be held on May 25th at 1:00pm.  Are you getting your Forty Winks?  An Herbal Sleep Pillow Workshop can help!  Herbs have powerful healing capabilities – whether you need to:
• relieve stress, anxiety, and nervousness
• learn lessons from your dreams,
• keep away bad dreams, or
• make your nights more snug and cozy.
Join Ehris Urban, owner of Woodbury’s Grounded Holistic Wellness, for an afternoon of herbal enlightenment and hands-on creation of your own customized Herbal Sleep Pillow.  Cost is $5.00 for senior center members/ $ 8.00 for non-senior center members to cover the cost of materials. Pre sign-up required. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to register.  Minimum of 20 people will be needed to run this workshop.

Rental Rebate Appointments Available

Appointments will be available for Renter’s Rebates on May 25th and June 15th from 12:30-3:00pm. To sign up please call Old Lyme Social Services at (860)434-1605 ext 228.