“Whadcha Say?????”
Get the Most out of your Hearing Aid and New Technology
Guest Speaker: Sara Andreozzi
Only $6 per person ~ Shepard’s Pie dinner
Open to the Public
Register by October 9th at 860-441-6785
“Whadcha Say?????”
Get the Most out of your Hearing Aid and New Technology
Guest Speaker: Sara Andreozzi
Only $6 per person ~ Shepard’s Pie dinner
Open to the Public
Register by October 9th at 860-441-6785
Groton Senior Center is now offering Silver & Fit classes. Silver & Fit is designed to specifically to help older adults achieve better health through regular exercise and health education. Silver & Fit provides eligible members with no cost or low cost fitness memberships and older adult oriented group exercise classes, through arrangements with certain health plans. Silver & Fit is provided by American Specialty Health Fitness, Inc., a subsidiary of American Specialty Health Incorporated.
If your health plan offers Silver & Fit and you would like more information about Silver & Fit classes, please contact Groton Senior Center at 102 Newtown Road, Groton , CT 06340, or call (860)441-6785. You may also visit Silver & Fit at www.silverandfit.com. Silver & Fit is a federally registered trademark of American Specialty Health Incorporated.
The Yale-New Haven state-of-the-art Digital Mobile Mammography Van will be here Friday, October 23rd from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. Schedule your appointment by calling (203) 688-1010.
A recognized leader in breast cancer awareness,Yale-New Haven Hospital continues to make great medical advances and efforts in the detection and treatment of breast cancer in women. The best-known method in the early detection of breast cancer still remains to be mammography.
The American Cancer Society, as well as the National Cancer Institute, recommends that women receive a mammogram every year beginning at age 40. Protect the Ta Ta’s!
Tuesday, November 10th
at Grand Oak Villa, Oakville CT
Join us for a very special day as we HONOR our Armed Forces and Veterans with a Patriotic Show. A classic USO Performance USO Show Troupe is part of an entertainment tradition going back more than 70 years. The pride and passion that fueled that early music lives on through the USO Show Troupe.
Delicious Lunch Menu
Carafes of Red & White Wine on each table !!
On Arrival enjoy Crackers, Cheese, Pepperoni.
Family Style Meal: Garden Salad, Pasta with Homemade House Sauce, Roast Turkey with Gravy & Yankee Pot Roast, Roasted Potato, Vegetable, Dessert, and Beverage.
$90 resident/$100 non resident
We depart at 10 am and return at 5 pm via motor-coach bus.
Paulette, Licensed Hairdresser
Haircut Only $18.00
Men’s Haircut $15.00
Haircut & Blow Dry or Set $30.00
Shampoo & Set $20.00
Color (includes set) $45.00
Permanent (includes set) $55.00
Eyebrow/Facial Waxing $13.00
Manicures $15.00
Pedicures $28.00
Tuesdays and Fridays 9 a.m. to 12 noon
Wednesdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Walk-Ins are available; however scheduled appointments will be taken first. Call 860-441-6785 to schedule.
Connecticut Foundation for Dental Outreach
Connecticut Foundation for Dental Outreach is sponsoring the Mission of Mercy Free Dental Clinic on October 10th and 11th at the East Lyme High School. This clinic is for the underserved and uninsured in Southeast Connecticut. No eligibility or income requirements. It will be first come, first served as they are limited to 350 clients each day.
Dental services include: Cleanings, Extractions, Fillings, Fluoride Treatments and X-rays. Doors open at 6:00 am.
For more information: visit their website www.cfdo.org
Since its formation 2000, the Groton Parks Foundation has supported Groton’s recreation, sports, leisure, and athletics programs and facilities by collecting funds for special projects such as park improvements, new playground equipment, special needs accommodations, and more, including the current trails improvements at the Copp Family Park. If you would like to continue to see improvements made to Groton’s parks and recreational opportunities, please consider lending your support to the Groton Parks Foundation.
Support can be made in a number of ways:
HARVEST BAZAAR Hosted by Club 55
Saturday, October 24 9 am—1 pm
This Club 55 event is open to the public.
For more information 860-441-6785.
Partnered with Groton Utilities We Offer Elusive Hikes
Our O.A.T.S. Group has been taking advantage of some elusive hikes in our area. Several months ago, we partnered with Groton Utilities staff to provide guided hikes at the local reservoirs. Only G.U. can provide us access to the reservoirs. Our group has been on varying lengths of hikes at both Ledyard Reservoir and Groton Reservoir. The scenery is striking and the education is splendid.
At least once a month we have had a walk/hike with our Groton Utilities partners. We are scheduled to continue to do so in well into 2016 as well. At this juncture, both partners are looking into acquiring walking sticks and snowshoes to keep our hikes going even in the depth of winter. By the way, we hear that is when the Eagles return to our local reservoirs.
Our last hike, was an eye opening tour of the G.U.
Water Treatment Plant and then a hike of about 2 miles along the Groton Reservoir. We were not only fascinated by the information we received but of the reservoirs scenery. By the way, asking for a bottle of water at a water treatment plant is a no-no. Yet, they are big on refilling water bottles.
Care to join our OATS Group and take part in some of our excursions? It is free to join and all it demands of you is that you reply yes when you do want to participate in an OATS event. For more information, call Cindy 860-441-6623 or email at cmorrison@groton-ct.gov
OATS Group October Events
Give Back Clean Up at Bluff Point State Park Trail
Haley Farm State Park 3.5 Mile Hike
Fields of Fire Adventure Park (Mystic)~ Ropes Course & Ziplining
Cockaponsett Trail Hike 7 Mile