Annual Art Exhibition

Friday, June 23rd through Thursday, June 29th

Stop by the Dining Room to see the amazing works of art by our Senior Center Members!

Any Member of the Rose City Senior Center may Submit Artwork


To enter, please drop off your eligible pieces at the Senior Center from June 15th – June 20th.

Limit of 3 pieces of artwork per medium accepted.



  • Artwork must be original.
  • All artwork must be framed.
  • Artist must be 55 years of age or older at the time artwork was created.
  • Artwork must have been completed within the past two years.
  • No artwork previously shown at the Senior Center will be accepted.



Painting                     Drawing

Oil                               Pastel

Acrylic                        Charcoal

Watercolor                Pen or pencil

Photography            Sculpture

Mixed Media            Quilting


Please label your artwork on the back with your name, medium, and title of the piece.