1. WORD GAMES—Crossword Puzzles, Word Searches, Brain Teasers and Sudoku are simple ways to improve memory.
  2. MUSIC—Have you tried to play an instrument? Learn the harmonica, Bongos or Spoons. Maybe learn to Yodel!
  3. GARDENING—Plant flowers or a few vegetables in containers. It’s relaxing and gets you out in the sunshine.
  4. COOKING/BAKING—Go through your cook book or make a family recipe. Now is the time to create your own dish or try a new recipe.
  5. EXERCISES/STRETCHING—Have you tried Chair Exercising? Sit in a chair and lift your right foot off the floor. Do alternate legs. Do arm curls, roll your shoulders and back twists. Toe tapping like the football players while sitting is a great exercise for leg strengthening.
  6. CARD GAMES—Learn how to play Solitaire with a deck of cards. There are many varieties that you can play.