Our October menu consists of the following meals. Our program is closed on Monday October 14th in observance of Columbus Day.
On October 21st the menu will consist of Broccoli & Cheese Stuffed Chicken, Garlic Roasted Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables Medley, Fruit Cocktail, bread, butter and beverage.
On October 28th we will serve Applesauce & Sage Glazed Pork Loin w/Root Vegetables, rice Pilaf, Broccoli, Sweet Treat, Apple Juice, bread, butter and beverage.
Lunch reservations must be made to participate in the program. Please call by the preceding Thursday for a luncheon reservation on Monday. The telephone number at the Preston Senior Center (Monday AM, Tuesday & Thursday 1 – 4 PM) is 860-889-0770 or leave a message with your name, telephone number and reservation information at 860-887-5581 ext. 6.
There is a suggested donation of $3.00 per person (60 years of age and older) to participate in this program.