Category: News

Renter’s Rebate Program

Assistance is available over the phone to apply. 

No in-person appointments at this time.

Please contact the appropriate person (below) for more information.

A program for low income elderly (65+) or disabled individuals who have rented in CT in 2019 and have not applied for the homeowners Circuit Breaker Program.  Program open through October 1, 2020.

Income Limits:

Single: $37,000 yearly or less   

Couple: $45,100 yearly or less


For assistance, please call:

Norwich residents, 55 and older call the Rose City Senior Center at (860) 889-5960.

Ask for Carolyn’s voicemail and leave a message.  Carolyn will call you back.

If you are under 55 and a Norwich resident, call Norwich Human Services at (860) 823-3778.

If you reside in Senior Housing, please call your

 Resident Services Coordinator at your housing complex for information.


Voice Connect ~ Senior Center Robocall

We have recently starting using a new feature through MySeniorCenter called Voice Connect. 

Voice Connect is a robocall which will send out a recorded message to Senior Center Members.  This message can be sent to a select group or to all Senior Center Members who have scanned in over a period of time.  This is just another tool we will be utilizing to get information out to people.

Please be aware that the Senior Center’s phone number, (860) 889-5960, will come up on your caller ID and it will indicate the call is from “City of Norwich”.  This is a legitimate robocall coming from the Senior Center.  The recorded message will be from Mike or Hilary and will be our actual voice not a computerized voice.

You do NOT have to call us back or respond to these robocalls unless otherwise asked to do so in the message or if you have a question.  Our phone number is (860) 889-5960.  Always remember, if you ever receive a suspicious phone call indicating it is from the Senior Center, please let us know!  Be safe!


Weekly WE Wednesdays Virtual Gathering

GSC Programming staff will take turns hosting a ZOOM virtual gathering for any of our GSC friends to be part of! We are calling it WE WEDNESDAYS.  Please won’t you join us too?   Here is help on ZOOM basics

WE WEDNESDAYS weekly at 10:00 am virtually through Zoom so that we may socialize with you while safe distancing.

We will keep it casual with one of us as the moderator and just allow for everyone to have a chance to say how they’re doing and we can have an idea of a positive topic we can bring it up and it will encourage positive conversation

The log in ID is  719 3534 4254         Password  9QvDdj

If you have questions or difficulty logging in please call 860-441-6785 and we at Groton Senior Center would be happy to help you.


All day trips through June 2020 have been cancelled
due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is highly doubtful any trips will be offered for the summer months. If this changes, we will make an immediate announcement.
Refunds have been processed but might take longer than usual as Town Hall staff are not working their normal hours.

Many of the trips that were slated for the spring/summer/fall of 2020 are being re-scheduled for 2021.
BUT we are always interested in where you want to go.

Mat Pilates with Maureen Cabral on Zoom- Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Time: 10:00a.m.

Email Hilary for Zoom Meeting ID and Password

Join these fun 40 minute Zoom classes to strengthen the muscles of your abdominals, back, hips and glutes for better posture and balance.  Breathing techniques in Pilates also helps to reduce stress and anxiety which we can all use at during this time.  No experience needed!  Classes are Free!

Contact Hilary with questions and for Zoom ID and Password:



Attention: We will keep everyone up on changes and if there is a need, office staff are still in the building for seniors to contact! Please call us at #860-848-0422 if anything is needed! Together, we will get through this!

We are still offering rides for needed doctor appointments and help with grocery shopping.

Outreach Administrator Carolyn and Program Administrator Hilary are working from home.  If you need to contact either one, please call the Senior Center and leave a message on their voicemail.

Information in this newsletter is as up-to-date as possible but is subject to change or cancellation.

We will do our best to keep you updated to changes.

If you are looking for services or resources to assist you, please contact us.

If you have any questions, please call us at (860) 889-5960.


Practice social distancing, quarantine or isolation measures

Around the world, public officials are asking people to practice social distancing, quarantine or isolation measures in an effort to slow disease spread. Here are some suggestions from the
American Psychological Association to best handle these challenges.

First what can you expect?
Fear and anxiety are normal. You may feel anxious or worried about yourself or your family members contracting COVID-19 or spreading it to others. It’s also normal to have concerns about obtaining food and personal supplies, or fulfilling family care obligations. Some people may have trouble sleeping or focusing on daily tasks.

Depression and boredom are normal. A hiatus from meaningful activities interrupts your daily routine and may
result in feelings of sadness or low mood. Extended periods of time spent at home can also cause feelings of boredom and loneliness.

Anger, frustration or irritability are normal. The loss of agency and personal freedom associated with isolation
can often feel frustrating. You may also experience anger or resentment toward those who have the isolation orders or if you feel you were exposed to the virus because of another person’s negligence.

How can you cope?
Limit news consumption to reliable sources. It is important to obtain accurate and timely public information but too much media coverage can lead to increased feelings of fear and anxiety. Our local Ledge Light Health District is a good source of information as well as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You should balance the amount of time spent on news and social media with other activities unrelated to COVID-19 such as reading, listening to music, doing a puzzle, watching a movie, etc.

Create and follow a daily routine as this will help you preserve a sense of order and purpose. Try to include regular daily activities such as exercise, calling a family member or friend, or indulging in a hobby/pastime.

Stay connected with others by making phone calls or sending text messages. Rely on your pets for emotional support. However, if you contract COVID-19, restrict your contact until the risks of transmission between humans and pets are better understood.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Get enough sleep, eat well and exercise in your home. Try to avoid using alcohol or drugs as a way to cope with the stress of isolation.

Stay positive. Examine your worries and aim to be realistic about what you can accomplish during this period.

Wearing a Cloth Face Covering or Mask

For the foreseeable future, while we are out of our homes, we are to wear a cloth face covering or mask in a public place when we are not able to maintain a safe social distance of approximately 6 feet from every other person. The mask should cover your mouth and your nose. If we ride in a taxi, car, livery, ride-share or other similar service or mass public transit, a mask is required.
If you are in need of a mask, we have been fortunate to get donations from Mask Makers in CT.
If you can afford to buy one, you can get a good quality cloth mask by calling That’s Sew Debbie in Groton at 860-333-1394. The cost is $10. That’s Sew Debbie has donated a lot of materials to Mask Makers and these sales help cover her donation costs.