Category: Services

October Services

Call (860)434-4127 to schedule appointments


Mini PedicuresOctober 11, 13 by appointment $25.00

HaircutsOctober 17th and 27th by appointment $15.00

Foot Clinic with Town Nurse (does not cut toenails) –Oct by appointment FREE

Blood Pressure Clinic Daily (Mon-Fri) from 12:00 -1:00pm– no app. needed FREE

Medicare Enrollment Help For people turning 65 or new to Medicare by app. FREE

Heating Assistance Application Help Oct. 5th by appointment FREE

Drop-in Computer Assistance

2nd and 4th Mondays of every month from noon-2pm


Provided in Partnership with Otis Library

Do you have general questions on how to use a computer, Internet or email?  Need help with Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?  Looking for assistance with your laptop, tablet, or cell phone?

Nicolette Pavain, Marketing and Technology Librarian from Otis Library, will be here to help you! 

Drop by and get your questions answered!  Free Wi-Fi available.


Incontinence Supplies Available

The Senior Center currently has packages of size large and ex-large side-tab style disposable briefs (adult diapers) available to seniors in need.  We also have size large pull-up style available.

Please call (860) 889-5960 if you need any.


Scissor, Knife, and Blade Sharpening

Knives $2.50  ▪  Scissors/Pinking Shears $5

Non-Electric Pruners/Hedge Trimmers/Garden Tools $5

Electric Hedge Trimmers $10  ▪  Chain Saw Chains/Lawn Mower Blades $5


Drop off your items that need to be sharpened to the reception desk by Friday, October 7th.

Be sure to have your items wrapped in newspaper and safely stored in a plastic bag, with your name, phone number and correct payment included.

**Cash or check made payable to Dan Correia**


Free Flu Clinic

A free flu clinic, sponsored by the OL VNA, will take place on Saturday, October 22nd from 10am-1pm at the LOL Middle School. Please bring proof of Lyme or Old Lyme residency with you. This will be in a drive thru format.

Services Just For You


Mini Pedicures– October 11, 13 by appointment $25.00
Haircuts-October 17th and 27th by appointment $15.00
Foot Clinic with Town Nurse (does not cut toenails) -Oct by appointment FREE
Foot Clinic with Foot Care Associates– (Cuts Toenails) Nov. 17 by app. $35.00
Blood Pressure Clinic Daily (Mon-Fri) from 12:00 -1:00pm– no app. needed FREE
Medicare Enrollment Help For people turning 65 or new to Medicare by app. FREE
Heating Assistance Application Help Oct. 5th by appointment FREE
Hearing Clinic November 28th by appointment FREE

– Call (860)434-4127 to schedule appointments

Municipal Agent Services

Services are available with the Director by appointment. Call if you have any questions or concerns with Medicare, Social Security, Medications, Insurance, Food Stamps or any other services.


Computer Assistance With Joyce

Do you have computer or cell phone questions?

Computer Assistance is available for Senior Center Members by appointment only

Call Reception for more information

(860) 889-5960


Scissor, Knife, and Blade Sharpening

Razor’s Edge Sharpening Service


Knives $2.50

Scissors/Pinking Shears $5

Non-Electric Pruners/Hedge Trimmers/Garden Tools $5

Electric Hedge Trimmers $10

Chain Saw Chains/Lawn Mower Blades $5


Drop off your items that need to be sharpened to the reception desk by Friday, October 7th.

Be sure to have your items wrapped in newspaper and safely stored in a plastic bag, with your name, phone number and correct payment included.

**Cash or check made payable to Dan Correia**

Your items will be ready to be picked up starting on Friday, October 14th.