Category: Services

Senior Transportation & Van Schedule

Call us at 860-464-0478 to schedule all transportation requests.

The Ledyard Senior Center offers daily transportation to the Center for activities including lunch, along with rides to medical appointments and other necessities according to the schedule below.  All individuals using our transportation must complete an annual transportation form. A wheelchair lift is available. Please be aware that the Senior Center does not provide assistance to and from the vehicle.  Persons must be able to: travel without assistance, wait outside for 10 minutes, climb three 12-inch steps or use the wheelchair lift.  The Senior Center cannot provide rides home from a medical appointment/procedure that involves general anesthetics. We service Ledyard, Gales Ferry, New London, Groton, Mystic, Waterford, Norwich. Call for details.


Van Schedule:

MONDAY:  Senior Center, Doctor Appointments

TUESDAY:  Senior Center, Doctor Appointments

WEDNESDAY:  Senior Center

THURSDAY:  Senior Center, Doctor Appointments

FRIDAY:  Senior Center, Stop & Shop or Walmart

1st Friday – Bank Run


All reservations for transportation must be made at least 48 hours in advance by calling the office between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and talking to a staff person. Requests for transportation giving less than 48 hours notice will be addressed on a case by case basis.


Drivers cannot schedule appointments.  Round trip suggested donations are $1.00 within Ledyard and Gales Ferry and $2.00 for out of town. We provide transportation to Sub Base medical appointments and the pharmacy for people with a Military/Base I.D.  Driver routes are planned in advance.  Unscheduled stops and pick-ups are not permitted.  Please refrain from requesting any impromptu stops.


Counseling Services

The Rose City Senior Center offers counseling services for our Senior Center members.  Individual and Family Counseling for positive mental health and well-being is available.  In-person appointments are scheduled on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays or talk with a counselor by phone.

Appointments are available with Kerri Redner or Angelo Callis.

If you are interested, please call Rose City Senior Center (860) 889-5960. 

Leave your information on their voicemail.  Kerri or Angelo will call you back. 


Free Veterans Info Sessions today July 22

Come on by today! Our center and our services are for anyone 55 plus!

We are located at 102 Newtown Road, Groton CT 06340 – we share our parking lot with the Groton Public Library.



Free Transportation Program—COVID SAFETY MEASURES IN PLACE
The Montville Senior Center Med RIDE I program is available to take seniors to any/all medical appointments. Doctor, pharmacy, hospital screenings & tests, dentists, etc. To make an appointment, call Kathie or Ruthie at the Senior Center 860-848-0422. It is best to schedule your appointment as soon as it is made to avoid any scheduling conflicts. This program is supported by the Town of Montville and Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act. Donations accepted.


Free Regional Transportation Program Montville & Norwich Seniors
If you are in need of medical transportation, call the new MedRIDE II program. WE can help. The town of Montville and City of Norwich have joined together and received a grant to help transport seniors to medically necessary appointments. Do you need to go to Yale, New Haven, Hartford Hospital or Farmington to a specialist? Let us take you! Call 860-889-5960 for your appointment.

The Better Health Program

Fridays from 8:00am-4:00pm

The Montville Senior Center is offering a FREE Better Health, Mental Health, Program at the Montville Senior Center. Many people find the holidays difficult, or suffer from
depression, have anxiety, or just need someone to talk to. Mental Health is a very
important part of health care so you can be as healthy as possible! Don’t neglect your
mind while taking care of your body! Join a group for discussion sessions or sit down
one-on-one with our licensed clinician to talk! This program is made possible with a
grant received from Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act. Don’t miss out on this great service! It’s never too late to start to take care of yourself—mind, body, spirit! Call for details and/or an appointment! A suggested donation of $1.00 per visit is appreciated! Thank you!

Senior Bus Schedule

Subject to Change
Call #860-848-0422 for reservations
MONDAY …………………..Senior Center, N.L. / Waterford area Shopping
TUESDAY ………………….Senior Center, Shopping, Banking
WEDNESDAY…………….Senior Center, Norwich area Shopping
THURSDAY ……………….Senior Center, Shopping, Banking
FRIDAY……………………..Senior Center or Special Trips

Coastal Cafe Home Delivery

$2 per household delivery – not per person.
So if two people order and it goes to the same address it is still only two dollars.

July and August menus are inserts or can be found online at

Call our front desk for home delivery : 860-441-6785

Vet Center One-on-One Info Sessions

Friday, July 22nd from 12:00-2:00pm

Norwich Vet Center offers confidential help for Veterans, service members, and their families at no cost in a non-medical setting. Services include counseling for needs such as depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the psychological effects of military sexual trauma (MST). Vet Center can also connect you with more support in VA and your community.

HP Laser Jet Toner For Sale

Brand new, unopened package. Senior Center cannot use these anymore and is offering at half of the Staples price.

Offering the following…

black for $113.95

magenta for $79.45

cyan for $155.95

Please contact Dusty at 860-464-0478 or swing by the Senior Center

Benefits Counseling

Benefits Counseling* – Is available with Natalie one day per week.  Natalie can meet with any senior, 60 years and older, who lives in New London County. Natalie can assist you with your questions about Medicare, Supplemental Insurances, State Programs, and more. Please call (860) 889-5960 for an appointment.

*This program is supported by Sr. Resources Agency on Aging with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act.