Category: Services

Outreach Services

OUTREACH – Is available with Carolyn for Norwich residents, 55 years old or over.  Home visits are available for homebound seniors.  Carolyn can assist you with your questions about Medicare Savings Program, Medicare-D, Housing, Supplemental Insurances, State Programs, Renter’s Rebate and more.  Please call (860) 889-5960 for an appointment.


Transportation Program Expansion

We have expanded our Monday shopping schedule to include the Lisbon area. You
must sign-up in advance of the Monday shopping schedule. Please contact the Senior Affairs
Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6.

July Food Distribution

We continue working with United Community & Family Services to offer a monthly food
distribution at the Preston Senior Center, 42 Long Society Road, Preston. Our next distribution
will be held on Friday, July 1st between the hours of 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Our plans are to
conduct distributions throughout the summer months on the first Friday of each month as long
as interest warrants continuation. Persons from surrounding towns are welcome to participate
in our program

2022 Southeast Healthy Living Expo

Friday, July 15th from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Dodd Stadium (14 Stott Ave, Norwich)

Living Today for a Better Tomorrow

* Health Screenings * Information for Seniors & Caregivers *
Presented by Senior Resources Agency on Aging


2022 Southeast Healthy Living Expo

Friday, July 15th from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Dodd Stadium (14 Stott Ave, Norwich)

“Living Today for a Better Tomorrow”

* Health Screenings * Information for Seniors & Caregivers *
Presented by Senior Resources Agency on Aging

Senior Cafe

Monday through Friday

breakfast is served from 9:00 – 11:00

lunch is served at 12:00pm

Join us for delicious and affordable ($2-$4) breakfast and lunch menu items

Lisbon Senior Center Van Rides

The Senior Van is available to Lisbon residents ages 60 and older for the following:

Rides to appointments (doctor, dentist, banking, haircuts, etc.)

Schedule your appointments from 10:15 to 11:00 or 12:15 to 2:15. Call us as soon as you have your appointment

Shopping at 10:15 on Fridays to Walmart

(other days and times can be accommodated upon request)

Rides To and From Senior Center

for more information call the Lisbon Senior Center, 860-376-2329


Medical transportation 24/7 when the Center cannot provide it for you. Eastern CT Travel vouchers may also be available.  We can also offer mileage reimbursement.

Medical Transportation and Shopping at Walmart

Medical Transportation

Monday & Wednesday           9:00 to 12:00 pm

Tuesday & Thursday              9:00 to 11:30 pm

Lisbon Walmart

Thursday            1:00 pm

Please Call to Sign up!

You must call the senior center to schedule a pick up for medical appointments or to go grocery shopping. The bus driver will not take any verbal requests for you to be picked up.