Category: Services

Preventative Health Clinic with Nurse Rebecca- Wednesdays at 9:00am

Appointments are currently being scheduled on Wednesdays.

Toenail cutting and ear flushing appointments for Senior Center members are available in our Health Clinic with Nurse Rebecca Braddock.  Rebecca can provide foot care to seniors who are not on blood thinning medications or who are not a diabetic.  Rebecca will be at the Senior Center on Wednesday mornings, with appointments available from 8:15am – noon.

Please call Mike to schedule your appointment.  (860) 889-5960


PODIATRY Clinic with Dr. Thomas Walter, D.P.M- First Friday of the Month

Appoinments are on the 1st Friday of each month for toenail cutting.

The cost is $15.00 per visit and an appointment is necessary.

Appointments are scheduled by calling Mike at the Senior Center at 8600-889-5960.

This program is supported by Sr. Resources Agency on Aging with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act.

AARP Driver Safety – Smart Driver Course (Vitrual ZOOM Class)

The AARP Smart Driver Course is currently being offered as an online class or a ZOOM class.  Consult your insurance agent for information about discounts available from taking this class.

For more information and to take the class ONLINE, go to:   Use coupon code DRIVINGSKILLS for 25% off 

For more information and to take a ZOOM class, Visit: or Contact: Brent Leveille,




Blood Pressure Clinic- Fourth Thursday of the Month

Time: 10:00-12:00pm

Blood Pressure Clinic- Volunteer R.N. is held at the Senior Center for blood pressure checks the 4th Thursday of each month of each month from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. This is a free service and appointments are not necessary.

Please call (860) 889-5960 for details and additional information.

REIKI- Wednesdays, by appointment

New Programs starting…
Free Activity
Wednesdays, by appointment
Please sign up in the front office.
REIKI is a method of natural healing based on the application of Universal Life Force Energy. REIKI is one of the more widely known forms of energy healing. Energy healing involves direct application of CHI for the purpose of strengthening the clients energy system (aura).  This is a quiet, individualized program. Free to our seniors, donations accepted.

Grab and Go Lunches- Fridays at 10:45-11:15am

Available through the Estuary Council. Five delicious and nutritious frozen meals per person are available for contact-less pick up every Friday morning at the Lymes’ Senior Center, 26 Town Woods Rd, Old Lyme, CT, from 10:45 to 11:15 am. The meals will be placed in your truck or back seat. You can place a check there as well for payment. All appropriate Covid19 precautions are taken while handling the meals. Suggested donation is $15.00 for 5 meals, however if you cannot afford it, you are not required to pay. To get more information or to order the meals, call 860-388-1611. Meals MUST be ordered by the Thursday before 11am.



The State of CT offers a property tax relief program for Elderly & totally Disabled homeowners’ who reside in the town of East Lyme. The homeowner must be at least 65 at the close of 2021 or be
receiving 100% disability benefits from Social Security. The homeowner must occupy the property as their principal residence and not be receiving tax relief benefits from any other town or state.
Income limits for the 2021 calendar cannot exceed $38,100 fir a single individual or $46,400 for married couples. These amounts include gross Social Security payments.

The Town of East Lyme provides an additional tax relief for the Elderly & totally Disabled homeowner. That income limit, which includes gross income and Social Security, is $45,800 regardless of marital status.

For further information about the above programs, please contact the Assessor’s Office located in the East Lyme Town Hall. Or call the Assessor’s Office at 860-739-6931 and press #6.