Category: Services


Call us at 860-464-0478 to schedule all transportation requests.

The Ledyard Senior Center offers daily transportation to the Center for activities including lunch, along with rides to medical appointments and other necessities according to the schedule below.  All individuals using our transportation must complete an annual transportation form. A wheelchair lift is available. Please be aware that the Senior Center does not provide assistance to and from the vehicle.  Persons must be able to: travel without assistance, wait outside for 10 minutes, climb three 12-inch steps or use the wheelchair lift.  The Senior Center cannot provide rides home from a medical appointment/procedure that involves general anesthetics. We service Ledyard, Gales Ferry, New London, Groton, Mystic, Waterford, Norwich. Call for details.

Stop in and see Karen for help with these programs


CONTACT:  Karen Goetchius      860-464-8464 

Renters Rebate is a State qualified program run by the OPM (Office of Policy and Management for residents who are elderly/disabled and make a certain amount of Income.








Senior Center Cafe Menu- Breakfast and Lunch

Join us for great meal with great people! Monday – Friday. Call in orders BEFORE 11am at 860-464-0478.        SPECIAL HOLIDAY LUNCHES  $8.00

Breakfast served from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm             

2 eggs/bacon or toast                           $3.00

Breakfast sandwich/egg/cheese        $2.00

Breakfast sandwich or bacon             $3.00

French toast or bacon                           $3.00

Cheese omelet/toast                              $3.00

2 Pancakes or bacon                             $3.00


Lunch at 12:00 pm 


Turkey Club                                           $4.00

Hamburger/Cheeseburger                $4.00

Grilled Cheese plain/tomato             $3.00

Grilled Cheese w/Bacon/tomato      $4.00

Italian chicken salad                           $4.00

BLT sandwich                                      $4.00

Chicken salad Sandwich                    $4.00

Garden/Caesar salad/ roll                $3.00

Chef salad/ roll                                   $4.00



The filing period for the property tax relief program for elderly and totally disabled homeowners’ begins Feb
1st and runs through May 15th. The homeowner must be at least 65 years of age at the close of 2021 or be
receiving 100% disability benefits from Social Security. The homeowner must occupy the property as their
principal residence and not be receiving tax relief benefits from any other town or state.

Income limits for the 2021 calendar year cannot exceed $38,100 for a single individual or $46,400 for married
couples. These amounts INCLUDE Social Security payments. A complete copy of the 2021 IRS return must
be submitted at time of application with a copy of the Social Security 1099. If no IRS return is filed then all
1099 forms and all income for the year must be presented. Veteran pensions and veteran disability
payments are included as income for this program. Anyone filing under totally disabled must submit proof
of disability, ie: an original award letter from Social Security and or a current status report from Social
Security and any other income.

In addition to the State homeowners tax credit, the Town of East Lyme passed an ordinance on November 2,
2005 providing additional tax relief for elderly and totally disabled homeowners. Applicants must be a
resident of East Lyme, 65 years of age or over, or under age 65 and totally disabled.

Applicant must have been taxpayer of the Town of East Lyme for 10 years immediately preceding their
receipt of Town tax credit. Payment of property taxes must be current as of date of application.

Property for which tax credit is claimed must be occupied by applicant as his or her principal residence
(more than 183 days each year). Income requirements are the same as those approved by the Office of Policy
and Management. Proof of income and disability are required.

Income limits are adjusted annually.

Tax credit will range from $300.00 – $1,000.00 off the tax bill depending on applicants income.

Maximum 2021 income is $46,400.00 regardless of martial status.

To apply for any of the above programs, you must contact the Assessor’s Office located in the East Lyme
Town Hall. For more information, call the Town Hall at 860-739-6931 and press #6.


Come join us on Friday, April 29th from
1:00 PM—3:00 PM
For our Annual Health Fair. Screenings, Informational tables, Senior ID cards, snacks & beverages,
goody bags and more! Come and learn about different health topics, bring your questions, and enjoy the afternoon with us at the Center.



Here are some important dates.

  1. Deadline for fuel authorizations for delivery is May 2, 2022
  1. Last day that a household can apply is May 31, 2022
  1. June 15, 2022 is the last day to submit fuel Bills.




Operation Cupcake

Operation Cupcake is designed so that no senior is left behind. On Monday, April 25th at 1:00pm we will be delivering cupcakes and other such treats to those seniors that are more apt to feel the effects of isolation. If you would like to be one of our kindness volunteers that help make their day a little brighter by delivering a cupcake, please call or email us to sign up. Also if you know a particular senior that suffers from isolation please let us know that as well. This program is being funded through the first year by a generous donor.

Old Lyme Services

                                            Old Lyme Services    (Call (860)434-4127 to schedule appointments)

Mini Pedicures

Second Tuesday and Thursday of the Month                                       $25.00


Third Thursday of the Month                                                                   $15.00

Foot Clinic with Town Nurse

Every other month- the fourth Thursday of the month                       FREE

(does not cut toenails)

Foot Clinic with RN from Foot Care Associates

Every other month- the fourth Thursday of the month                       $35.00

(alternating months with town nurse)- Cuts Toenails

Blood Pressure Clinic

Daily (Mon-Fri) from 12:00 -1:00pm                                                        FREE

Medicare Enrollment Help

For people turning 65 or new to Medicare- Set up by app.                   FREE

Seniors Cautious About Money – SCAM Talk Monday March 21

Please join us for a very important talk on Seniors Cautious About Money – SCAM Talk

Monday, March 21  9:30-11:30 am here at THRIVE 55+  (102 Newtown Road, Groton) 


Officer Sean O’Brien of Groton Town Police Department will be the presenter and  there will be time for him to answer your questions.

¨ Why are you at Risk for Financial Scams

¨ Types of Financial Scams

¨ Protecting Yourself

¨ Steps to Take Against Financial Fraud


Monday, March 21st 930-1130 SCAM talk

Be sure to join us for Seniors Cautious About Money- SCAM Talk on  Monday, March 21  9:30-11:30 am

Officer Sean O’Brien of Groton Town Police Department will be the presenter and  there will be time for him to answer your questions.

¨ Why are you at Risk for Financial Scams

¨ Types of Financial Scams

¨ Protecting Yourself

¨ Steps to Take Against Financial Fraud