Category: Services

Affordable Connectivity Program

The Affordable Connectivity Program is an FCC benefit program that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband (internet) they need for work, school, healthcare and more.

The benefit provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands.  Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price.

Eligibility for the Affordable Connectivity Program includes households with incomes at or below 200%of the Federal Poverty Guidelines or participants in assistance programs (SNAP, Medicaid, Federal Public Housing Assistance, SSI, WIC or Lifeline).  Please see websites for all eligibility categories.

For more information and to apply visit    AND



February Lunch Menus

Meals are served at
11:30 a.m. at the Preston Senior Center, 42 Long Society Road. Reservations are
required and we are closed on all Federal holidays. Call 860-889-0770 on
Mondays or 860-887-5581 ext. 6 Tuesday thru Friday for additional information.
Monday, February 7th
Stuffed Chicken w/Broccoli & Cheese, Glazed Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans, Diced
Pears, bread, margarine and beverage.
February 14th
Beef Stew, Steamed Parsley Potatoes, Broccoli, Fresh Fruit, bread, margarine and
February 21st
Program Closed in observation of Presidents Day.   
February 28th
Italian Pork Sausage & Peppers, Penne Pasta W/marinara sauce, Green & Waxed
Beans, Fresh Fruit, bread, margarine and beverage.
The suggested donation for persons 60 years of age and older is $3.00 per
person. You do not need to be a Preston resident to participate in the program

February Food Distribution

Friday, February 4th
from 10:00 11:00 a.m. to
attend the next food distribution at the Preston Senior Center, 42 Long Society
Road. Truly amazing the wide range of frozen meats, fresh produce, dairy and
non-perishable food items that are distributed through this drive-thru event.
Many thanks to United Community & Family Services and their many sponsors
which make this event possible. We will continue with the monthly distributions
(first Friday) each month (with Mother Natures cooperation). The program is
open to Preston residents and non-residents alike.

VETERANS’ COFFEEHOUSE at the Montville Senior Center

2nd & 4th Tuesday of
each month
The Montville Senior Center is proud to partner
with TVCCA & he RSVP Program along with
other partners to offer a twice a month VETER-
ANSCOFFEEHOUSE for our local Veterans
and their spouses to meet, socialize and receive
information about veteran benefits and services
while having coffee & goodies! No need to
sign up! Space will be limited and safety
measure in place.

Giving Back to your Community – BOTTLE AND CAN FUNDRAISER

Club 55 has a quiet fundraiser that goes on all year long. From January 1, 2021 to the present, club member Obie
Hill has collected returnable cans and bottles and brings back the money to go to the Achievement Award
Scholarships for Groton High School Seniors. Obie has collected 10,761 cans totaling 353.4 pounds over 22 trips
to return the cans. This has brought in $538.05 for the Club 55 scholarship fund. THANK YOU, OBIE! If you
would like to donate cans for this worthy cause, please drop off at our center.
$538.07 total donated
10,761 cans collected
353.4 total pounds of cans
22 trips to return the cans

February 2022 Highlights

Monday, February 8th, Alzheimer’s Support group 10:00 am, Classroom B
Monday, February 7th Volunteer Meeting 12:00 pm in Classroom 2
Tuesday, February 8th – Club 55 General Meeting 12:30pm 
Tuesday, February 8th – Dining Out at The Octagon at the Marriott 5:00 pmRSVP 
Monday February 14th – Alzheimer’s Support group 10:00 am Classroom B
Tuesday February 15th – Photo Genesis with Scott, Traveling to Costa Rica 1:30 pm rsvp
Thursday, February 17th – Monthly Celebration with Complete Care of Groton 12:30 in community room
Monday, February 21st – CLOSED
Monday, February 28th- Veterans Benefits Administration, Veterans Healthcare Administration and Veterans
Readiness and Employment 1:00-3:00 pm
Thursday, February TBA – Barley Head Brewery tour (Mystic) 

Not Feeling Well? Please Stay Home!

If you are not feeling well, we ask that you stay home regardless of your vaccination
status. By staying home, you aren’t sharing germs that can get others sick.
We want you to get better fast and come back when you are feeling well. Call us if you need a
meal delivery when staying home. Thank you!

Cancer Rehab Services

Wednesday, February 16th   10:00 a.m.

Presented by Amy Sieczkowski, DPT, PT, OCS , Select Physical Therapy

ReVital Cancer Rehab is a new specialty service provided by therapists at Select Physical Therapy.  This type of physical therapy focuses on the current and lasting side effects of cancer treatments.

60-90% of patients with cancer, as well as survivors, have at least 1 impairment that physical therapy can address in order to improve quality of life.  Such impairments include joint pain, joint stiffness, fatigue, peripheral neuropathy, difficulty walking, balance concerns, falls (or fear of falling), and inability or difficulty in performing activities of daily living.

Join Amy Sieczkowski, Select Physical Therapy Center Manager at the Norwich Clinic, to learn more on the ways physical therapy can help improve some side effects of cancer treatments.

Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.


AARP Income Tax Assistance

Call about availability – If you wish to have your taxes done please call the Senior Center or stop by the reception desk to schedule an appointment.

This is a free-of-charge service with an AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteer.

(860) 889-5960.  Do not wait, appointments book up quickly!

For more information on AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, Visit:




The AARP Tax-Aide program returns this year to provide free tax counseling and preparation for middle to low-income taxpayers with special attention to those people aged 60 and over. To schedule your appointment and get the details about how the program will operate, call the Senior Center as soon as possible. Appointments are going fast. Call 860-739-5859 to schedule an appointment.