Category: Services

Elderly/Disabled (Circuit Breaker) Property Tax Credit Program- Application Deadline May 15, 2021

Property Tax Credit (Circuit Breaker) Program is available to all CT real property owners who are age 65 or older or totally disabled.  Annual income cannot exceed $37,600 for an individual or $45,800 for a couple in 2020.  Discounts are based on a graduated income scale and are calculated by your town’s Tax Assessors Office.  Discount is applied directly to the applicant’s real property tax bill.

Norwich Residents: To apply for the Property Tax Credit Program, complete an application at the Norwich Tax Assessor’s Office located in Norwich City Hall.  Call with questions (860) 823-3723.

Applications are accepted between February 1 and May 15, 2021.

Norwich Tax Assessor

100 Broadway

Norwich, CT 06360

Veterans with established Connecticut residency may be eligible for other credits also.

Residents of other towns: Call or visit your town’s Tax Assessor’s Office for more information.

Wednesday, May 12th from 10am to 1pm- Active Living Expo

Join us for our annual Active Living Expo Wednesday,  May 12th  10 am to 1 pm.  This event is open to all-  great for yourself, caretakers and family members to check out!

As always we will have agencies and vendors covering varying topics for you such as Health,  Insurance, Homecare,  State programs, Nutrition, Legal issues, Volunteer opportunities, Technical Support, Outreach, Trips/Travel and much more!

This year it will look a little different as we are following COVID guidelines. The event is scheduled to take place outside, in the rink next to the center. This will allow for proper social distancing. We ask that all attendees wear a mask. This is open to the public and FREE.

Saturday, June 19th- Household Hazardous Waste Collection & Paper Shredding

Drop off Location: Norwich Public Works – 50 Clinton Ave.

Saturday, June 19th   9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

The Southeastern Connecticut Regional Resource Recovery Authority (SCRRRA) will be at Norwich Public Works in June to collect household hazardous waste and offer confidential paper shredding.

Items that will be collected include: latex & oil paint, stains & varnish, paint thinner, oven cleaner, kerosene, old gasoline, light bulbs, home batteries, insecticides, fungicides, pool chemicals and more!

For a complete list of acceptable items that will be collected visit: 


We are now offering the following services (Senior Center Health Center for Toenail cutting and ear flushing, Massage Therapy, Hairdresser) by appointment only to Senior Center members only!

Good News!

We are now offering the following services by appointment only to Senior Center members.  No walk-ins.  The building is still closed to the public.  Masks are mandatory.

We will hopefully be offering more in person services and classes tentatively scheduled to begin sometime in June.  We will be sending out a letter in mid-May to Senior Center members who are currently a member or who have been a member anytime between 2019 – present.  If you do not receive a letter with additional information by May 24th, call us for information.

If you paid Membership Dues in 2020 but did not use any Senior Center services during our closure (e.g. transportation), the dues you paid in 2020 will be applied to your 2021 membership.  If you used any of our services in 2020, you will still owe dues for 2021.


Senior Center Health Clinic

We are now scheduling toenail cutting and ear flushing appointments for Senior Center members with Nurse Rebecca on select Wednesdays.  Rebecca can provide foot care to seniors who are not on blood thinning medications or who are not a diabetic.

Call Mike (860) 889-5960 to schedule your appointment.

The Preventive Health Clinic is Funded through the Generous Support of the Edward and Mary Lord Foundation.


Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy appointments with Marie Arsenault are available at $30 for a ½ hour.

To schedule an appointment:

Call the Senior Center and leave your contact information with the receptionist (860) 889-5960.

Marie will call you back to schedule your appointment as soon as possible.



Hairdresser services for Senior Center members are available with Michelle by appointment.

To schedule an appointment, please call Michelle directly (860) 889-4995.


COVID-19 VACCINE – Sign up Information

To check your eligibility and find ways to sign up for a COVID-19 vaccination,

please visit

**If you do not have access to a computer, see below for ways to sign up by phone**

Please be aware that due to limited COVID-19 vaccines available to the state, it may take some time for appointments to become available in order for you to sign up and receive the vaccine.

For Vaccine Appointment Scheduling options visit:

On this State of Connecticut website, you will find options on how to sign up with different providers offering the vaccine.  Ways to sign up include either online or by phone, with online sign up being the best option at this point.  You may want to check appointment availability with different providers and at different locations as vaccine availability will vary from one to another on any given day.

1) ONLINE – Schedule through the online Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS).  VAMS is an online scheduling portal that allows individuals with an email address to create an account and search for a vaccine clinic near them.

Providers that can be accessed through the VAMS scheduling system include: Local Health Departments (including Uncas Health District) and Health Centers (including UCFS and Generations).


2) ONLINE – Schedule directly with a participating provider.  This includes scheduling and receiving your vaccine through one of the following providers:

Hartford Healthcare (including Foxwoods Clinics):

Yale New Haven Hospital (including Mohegan Sun clinics):



CVS Pharmacy:

Stop & Shop Pharmacy:

Big Y:

3) PHONE – If you do not have access to a computer or have trouble signing up online, you can schedule your vaccine appointment on the phone.  Wait times may vary when you call.

Hartford Healthcare (including Foxwoods Clinics) 1-833-943-5721

Yale New Haven Hospital (including New London and Mohegan Sun clinics) 1-833-275-9644

CT COVID Vaccine Appointment Assist Line 1-877-918-2224   Daily from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.



Falls Talk Personalized Fall Prevention

A Health Promotion Program for Adults 60+

What is Fall Talk?

It is one-on-one program conducted in a no contact COVID-19 safe way to help you become aware of best practices and practical interventions to prevents falls.  This program meets the Administration of Community Living’s highest level criteria for evidence-based health promotion programs.

A personalized approach that helps you discover your own “fall threats”.  This increased awareness translates into successful fall prevention in real life situations and MOST IMPORTANTLY has successfully prevented falls!

This program is supported by the Senior Resources-Agency on Aging with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act.

Program is at NO COST

Stay Independent and Active

Contact us Today

Connie Capacchione, Program Coordinator, Uncas Health District, 860-823-1189 Ext: 122,

Visit us on the web:

Lunch at 11:30am Daily

We are here for you for curbside sandwich pickup,
Please call in your order no later than 11:00 for 11:30 pickup.
Call 860-376-2329 to place your order.


The State of Connecticut offers a state run Elderly Tax Benefit known as the Circuit Breaker. It is for eligible real estate taxpayers within the Town of East Lyme. To apply, you must have reached the age of 65 prior to December 31, 2020 or be totally disabled if under the age of 65. You are applying for a credit on the taxes due on your primary residence in East Lyme. Under the law, Social Security income MUST be declared and the program requires you to provide information regarding all GROSS income received during 2020.

The new income limit, including GROSS income and Social Security:

$45,800 for married couples and

$37,600 for single persons.

                        LOCAL TAX CREDIT OPTION:

Also, the Town of East Lyme provides on Additional Tax Relief for elderly and totally disabled homeowners. The new income limit, including GROSS income and Social Security is

$45,800 regardless of marital status.  For further information, contact the Assessor’s Office at the Town Hall.


Filing dates for the above programs are February 1, through May 15, 2021.

Please note, due to COVID-19 restrictions, if you are already on the program, you do not need to re-apply this year. You will be automatically renewed and will not have to reapply until 2023. Anyone new will need to contact the Assessor’s Office to an appointment and you will be met outside.

The Town Hall is currently closed to the public.  There is also a Veteran’s Exemption that is available. For more information, contact the Assessor’s Office.



AARP Tax Assistance

I feel like we’ve been here before and I was so hopeful that this year we might be able to return to normalcy for the tax program. No, not so. Once again, we will not be holding the Tax Assistance program at the Preston Senior Center this coming year. Yes, COVID-19 is the cause of the cancellation plus our facility isn’t large enough to safely accommodate each person having their income taxes prepared. Once again, you will be directed to the Rose City Senior Center in Norwich to schedule an appointment to have your taxes completed. Their phone number is 860-889-5960. we are hopeful that sometime in the very near future that our good friends from AARP will be manning the Preston site. In addition to having an opportunity to visit with all our Preston neighbors having their taxes done for free, we miss the volunteers immensely!

Thu, April 8th at 1pm- Webinar: Home Safety & Fall Reduction for the Older Adult

In this free, LIVE webinar session, join resource coordinator, Marc Levesque, to learn more about aging considerations work knowing in terms of environmental modifications, fall prevention, and polypharmacy dangers to make home even safer. Q&A with the expert will follow the presentation.

To register for any HHC virtual class, please call 1-855-442-4373 or visit Once registered you will receive an email with easy instructions on joining the virtual class.

Sponsored by: Hartford HealthCare