Category: Services

DoorDash Food Box Delivery

DoorDash, the popular food delivery app, is helping to bring non-perishable food boxes from the Salvation Army to people in need.  This program is in collaboration with United Way.

Food boxes sent out to individuals and families typically including oats, rice, dry beans, tuna, peanut butter, canned vegetables, canned fruit, and powdered milk.  All shelf-stable food items.

The program is aimed to address the needs of high risk individuals during the COVID pandemic and to help those who are homebound, individuals who are high-risk of severe complications from COVID, those aged 65 years and older or those in quarantine.


Call United Way 2-1-1 and tell them you are interested in the DoorDash Food Box Delivery through the Salvation Army.  United Way will communicate your request to the Norwich Salvation Army who will contact you to arrange delivery.  DoorDash will pick up the food box from the Salvation Army and deliver it to you.  Deliveries are normally on Thursdays.

This program is though a partnership with the State of Connecticut, Salvation Army, United Way and DoorDash and is overseen by Connecticut Agriculture Commissioner Bryan P. Hurlburt



Facilitated by UCFS and our Better Health Clinician, we have a once a week Grief Support Group. We are looking to provide this via ZOOM in the month of November as the Senior Center remains closed. This is a free program. Are you sad or suffering the loss of a loved one? Spouse, child, friend, or pet? Sometimes it is very difficult to deal with such loss. Join this confidential and private grief support group and learn coping techniques and ways to help you deal with your loss. Support group is ongoing, please sign up by calling the office at #860-848-0422. No need to speak in the group if you are not comfortable, you will still take away ways to cope with loss!

TVCCA Home Heating Assistance Now Available

Winter is coming and home heating costs can be a struggle for many.  There is help.

TVCCA is now taking applications for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program which provides assistance towards a homes primary source of heat.  Priority is given to “vulnerable households” with young children, elderly or disabled individuals.

Income and Asset Limits apply:

Household Size:   

 1        Annual Income      $37,645        

2        Annual Income      $49,228             

Asset Limits:      

Homeowner      $15,000     

Renter                $12,000

Applications can be done over the phone and through the mail for homebound individuals.

To schedule an appointment or for additional information, please call (860) 425-6681.



Designed to help those in need feel good, deal with life’s changes, depression, addiction, and address other mental health needs. The Better Health Program, provides a licensed clinician to work one-on-one with our residents and offer our weekly group support services.  This valuable program is FREE to our Montville residents!  This program is usually at the Center though during this time, will be made via phone calls and/or Zoom for support groups if possible.  This program is made possible with Title III funds under the Older Americans Act from Senior Resources.

Call Kathie the Director @ 860-848-0422 for details.




If you have not already contacted the   Senior Center office, there are no available appointments.

You can contact T.V.C.C.A. and inquire about their V.I.T.A. program (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) to see if they have any available appointments.


The AARP Tax-Aide program provides free tax counseling and preparation for middle to low-Income taxpayers with special attention to those people aged 60 and over.  Because of COVID-19 concerns, the process will be different this year. Please call the Senior Center at 860-739-5859 for details.

Taxpayers must provide their:

  1. Personal Identification and Social Security Number,
  2. Copies of your 2020 Federal and Connecticut tax returns, and
  3. All 2020 income reports that have been received: (SSA-1099, all 1099s, all W-2s, Unemployment Compensation forms), Brokerage Statements, and all  other forms that indicate Federal and/or Connecticut income taxes were paid in 2020.



Vaccine Appointments- UPDATE

The Department of Public Health (DPH) and the United Way of Connecticut have recently announced the expanded access to vaccine scheduling through the state’s Vaccine Appointment Assist Line.
The expansions include:
*Scheduling availability seven days per week
*Scheduling occurs between 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. each day
*Appointments are being booked at 12 locations across the state. (When you call and schedule an appointment, be sure that you indicate that you want the NORWICH area and not Hartford or Bridgeport, unless of course you want to travel to those locations to get your VOVID-19 vaccination)
*There are 125 contact specialists trained and answering appointment calls.
*****The phone number to call for vaccination scheduling is 877-918-2224.
Don’t hesitate, call as soon as you can.

Live Well with Diabetes

In Home Version!  All you Need is a Telephone! 

Live Well with Diabetes is a toolkit and program through Senior Resources that you do in the comfort of your own home without having to use any technology beyond a telephone.

FREE Active Living Everyday toolkit includes a Living a Healthy Life Book and Exercise & Relaxation CD.

A new 6-week workshop starts every month!

Participants will learn about:

  • What to eat
  • Low and High blood sugar
  • Tips for dealing with stress
  • Foot care
  • Sick day guidelines
  • How to set small and achievable goals

For more information, contact Lori Rygielski, Senior Resources Regional Coordinator  OR  (860) 887-3561 ext. 127

Sponsored by the Connecticut Department of Public Health, the Department of Aging & Disability Services, and Senior Resources Agency on Aging.


Connecticut Residents 75 and Older Can Register for COVID-19 Vaccine Information

If you need help to sign up please contact Karen Washington at 860-376-2329.

UNCAS Health District Press Report & Scheduling Links

UNCAS Health District Logo

 Connecticut Residents 75 and Older Can Register for COVID-19 Vaccine 

The state’s COVID-19 vaccination efforts have now expanded to phase 1b, and as a result, Connecticut residents who are 75 years or older now qualify to receive vaccines. 

Due to limited supply of the vaccine, registering through an online or phone system will be necessary. The state’s Vaccine Administration Management System is now open for registration submission. Those over the age of 75, or their loved ones, are asked to submit applications through the online web portal. 

When accepted into the registration portal, individuals will receive emails informing them of the next steps necessary in the scheduling process. 

For those in the age group who lack computer access or knowledge, they can also call: 877.918.2224 Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

There may be an initial delay in scheduling access, but as the state actively enrolls providers and staff, it is expected for that access to rapidly grow in coming weeks. All information submitted through VAMS will be kept private. The link to VAMS also contains an extensive list of frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, helping to ease any concerns individuals may have. More than 100 health care providers statewide will offer the vaccine, including UConn Health and Hartford Healthcare, with more locations and a map of all locations to be made available in coming weeks. 

In addition, if you have a MyChartPlus account through Hartford Healthcare, you may schedule a clinic appointment through Hartford Healthcare that is convenient for you. You may register at: 

If you would prefer to schedule your appointment by phone, call the Hartford HealthCare Access Center at 860.827.7690 or toll-free at 833.943.5721. 

All vaccinations are offered by appointment; people must first register through one of the systems listed above to secure an appointment. Vaccine supply remains limited and patience is requested. 


 401 W. Thames St., Ste. 106, Norwich, CT 06360
Telephone No. (860) 823-1189 FAX No. (860) 887-7898

Inclement Weather Notice

The Senior Center is currently closed to the public. 

We are currently offering transportation to doctor appointments and grocery shopping. 


If the area experiences bad weather – transportation to doctor appointments or grocery shopping may be cancelled.

Weather related cancellations and closings are posted on

WFSB TV Channel 3, WICH-1310AM or WCTY-97.7 FM radio stations.

**We are listed as ROSE CITY SENIOR CENTER for cancellations and closings.**