Category: Services

Tuesday, November 3rd- ELECTION DAY

By the beginning of October, you should have received your application for an absentee ballot. If you have not yet received it, you can go online to download the application at:

As a reminder, if you choose to vote by absentee you can fill out the application and mail it to the East Lyme Town Clerk in the self-addressed stamped envelope that is provided with each application. You can also put the application in the drop box in front of the Town Hall (street side at the top of the stairs and the handicapped ramp) or you can bring it into the Town Clerk’s Office. If you have any questions when you receive the application please contact Karen Miller Galbo, East Lyme Town Clerk at 860-739-6931 ext. 1135.


Please check out our NLSC virtual recreational programs:




Yoga with Rosemary

(Free and exclusive to NL residents 55+)


Tuesdays & Thursdays

10am Rosemary Gentile: Ongoing, starts July 2nd, 2020
Zumba with Holly

(Contact Holly for fees)


Mondays, Wednesdays& Fridays

8:30am Holly Medwick: Ongoing, starts July 1st, 2020
Tai Chi with Morris

(Free to NL residents 55+, others contact Morris for fees)


Tuesdays & Thursdays,

10am Morris Burch:

Ongoing, starts July 9th, 2020


Also… The Senior Centers across Connecticut have created a shared on-line activities program calendar. To access it, please call or e-mail Marina (860) 437-6339 /

As we await the guidance on the safe reopening of senior centers from the State of Connecticut, we wanted to provide you with several updates.

In order to continue to support you we are offering the following services:

  1. Assistance with grocery shopping for seniors.
  2. Food Pantry delivery to residents (60+) who meet income guidelines.
  3. TVCCA’s Meals-On-Wheels deliveries and “Grab-n’-Go” curbside meal distributions are deemed to be safest at this time, and will remain in force until social gathering recommendations are relaxed.
  4. Over-the-phone wellbeing checks.
  5. Over-the-phone resource counseling. For assistance, please call Marina: (860) 437-6339.
  6. Renters’ Rebate Program: For program requirements and if you have questions, please call (860) 437 – 6339.
  7. For all senior center members , are you missing the Thrift Boutique? News flash, indoor Flea Market at 133 Bank St.,  the Senior Affairs Commission is staffing a booth on the weekends (Fri & Sat 10-5 and Sun 12-5). All proceeds from the senior center booth come back to the center for activities, when we reopen. Drop in and check us out. Also SAC is helping to deliver meals in New London from N.L. Schools Chef Tomm and the Whalers Helping me Whalers program.  For further information or to share ideas, concerns or ask a “senior” question text; or call 860-857-3682.  See ya all soon!

Looking for Puzzles, Yarn or books

The senior center has dozens of puzzles. Anywhere from 100 to 1,000 pieces.
If you would like us to bring you some just give us a call.

And yarn too! Plus knitting and crochet needles! This is a perfect time to start a project.

Don’t forget our lending library.
We can pick out a book or 3 for you.

Wednesday, October 14th from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m- Drive Thru Flu and Pneumonia Clinic

As a reminder, our drive thru Flu & Pneumonic Clinic will be conducted on Wednesday, October 14th from 10:00 – 12:00 at the Preston Senior Center, 42 Long Society Road.

Pre-registrations are a must! For individuals who have pre-registered with this office, there will be a red star next to your name on this newsletter. I will be mailing an additional document to those individuals who have pre-registered under separate cover, to review and return to us on clinic day. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext.6.

If you have not registered for our clinic but, are interested in participating, please contact the office as soon as possible.

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us to think in new and different ways to provide essential services to our community. The drive-thru clinic is our attempt to offer to you, our friends, the continuation of providing the influenza & pneumonic clinic at your local senior center.

Whether you participate in our clinic or not, we wish you good health and peace of mind during these trying times.

FitDance Gold at McCook’s/Bandshell at 3pm starts on Tuesday, September 8th

Tue and Thu afternoons through September at McCook’s Park at the bandshell. As you pull into McCook’s, head up the hill and park at the upper lot. The bandshell is located on the grass. You must register prior to the start of the class and complete a new registration form. You must wear your mask coming to and exiting from the class but you can take it off during the class. You must position yourself at least 6 feet away from your neighbor. You must bring your water.


In all instances, if you are sick or experiencing symptoms you are to stay home.
If you have been in contact with someone who was sick or experiencing symptoms
you are to stay home.

Yoga at Bridebrook Park at 9am on September 8th

Senior Yoga has resumed will be held at Bridebrook Park on Tue mornings through September. As you pull into the parking lot, the class will be on your left. You must complete a new registration form before you take the class which will be available with the instructor. You must wear your mask coming to the class and exiting from the class but you can take it off during the class. You must position yourself 6 feet away from your neighbor. You must bring your own mat and any other supplies you may need.


In all instances, if you are sick or experiencing symptoms you are to stay home.
If you have been in contact with someone who was sick or experiencing symptoms
you are to stay home.

Drive-through Lunch & Flu Shot Clinic

Thursday, Sept 24th
Call 860-376-2329 to sign up

American Chop Suey * Garlic Bread * Dessert * Drink -$5

If you are getting a flu shot and are
NOT a customer of Walgreens
Pharmacy or have never had a flu shot
at Lisbon Senior Center in the past
YOU MUST contact them at
860-376-1206 x771 to get preregistered
At the time of the drive through you
just need to show an ID