The Community Health Center’s Senior Dental Program
1 Shaw Cove
New London, CT 06320
The Community Health Center’s Senior Dental Program
1 Shaw Cove
New London, CT 06320
Time: 3:00pm – 3:45pm
Come get some one to one assistance from our local high school students.
If you are you having trouble learning how to use your laptop, tablet or smartphone device join the East Lyme High School students to learn.
Call to register.
The Congregate Café Program is conducted at the Preston Senior Center, 42 Long Society Road on Monday’s at 11:30 a.m. (except for holidays and/or inclement weather). The program is designed for elders who are 60 years of age and older. Registrations for the Monday meal must be called in before the previous Thursday. There is a suggested donation of $3.00 per person. We ask that participants register for the Monday program in advance. Please call 860-887-5581 ext. 6 leaving your name, telephone number and date which you plan on attending the program.
All persons who are sixty years of age and older are welcome to attend, it doesn’t matter if you live in Preston, Lisbon, Ledyard, all are invited. Persons who are under the age of sixty are charged a larger fee for participating in the program.
Friday, March 6th …………………Club Meeting and Special Bingo
Friday, March 13th ………….….…Lisbon
Friday, March 20st ………….……..Mohegan Sun
Friday, March 27th ………..……….Senior Center Lunch
Time: 9am – 12:00pm
New London Senior Center and Visiting Nurses Association are partnering to provide free foot care to New London seniors once per month.
Please call for more information and to reserve an appointment!
If you are unable to leave your home you can start receiving Meals-on-Wheels.
Contact TVCCA at 860-934-1006 to get set up
Bob Sawyer is a State Licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist and is Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences by the International Hearing Society. He gives free hearing screenings, hearing aid information, hearing aid cleaning and maintenance on the 3rd Thursday of every month.
Please call Hilary at the Rose City Senior Center for an appointment (860) 889-5960.
Tuesdays: March 24th, May 12st, July 23th, August 25th, October 27th
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
The AARP Smart Driver Course (formally Driver’s Safety) is the nation’s first and largest refresher course for drivers age 50 and older. It has given millions of older drivers the skills and tools they need to drive safely on today’s roads. In fact, 97% of those who take it change at least one driving behavior.
And the best part? There are no tests to pass – just useful information to keep you safe on the road! You may get an insurance discount after taking this course! Auto insurance companies in most states provide a multi-year discount to course graduates! Please consult your insurance agent for more information about discounts available to you.
Price increase for 2020: Cost: $20 AARP Members $25 AARP Non-Members
Pay by check (made out to AARP) or cash on the day of the class.
Please arrive 15 minutes before the class starts and bring a pen with you.
Registration is Required. Please sign up at Reception starting January 21st.
The First Congregational Church of Griswold and the Griswold Senior Center are presenting a free breakfast to families in need in Jewett City and surrounding area. This free breakfast will take place on the last Saturday of each month.
Started: 2/29/2020
Time: 11:00am
Andrea Deedy will he here to discuss INCLUDING FISH IN OUR DIET.