Category: Services

Eastern Connecticut Transportation Consortium


Provides transportation to medical destinations and at times not covered by Senior Center Escort Services. Come into the Senior Center, fill out a simple application which will be faxed from the Senior Center to the E.C.T.C. office and then filed for future reference. Please refer to the E.C.T.C. brochure for additional information.

Call senior center for more information 860-447-5232.


Transportation Services


Mondays – Fridays: Transportation to/from the Senior
Center and Escort Medical Transport 8:40 – 3 p.m.

Mondays – Shopping at Walmart
Tuesdays – Shopping at Shop Rite
Wednesdays – Transportation to/from the Senior Center & Trips
Thursdays – Shopping at Stop & Shop
Fridays –

Reservations required 860-447-5232



   MONDAY & WEDNESDAY   9:00 AM— 1:30 PM

   TUESDAY & THURSDAY       9:00 AM— 11:30 PM

   FRIDAY   (LOCAL ONLY)       9:00 AM — 11:00 AM

Call the Senior Center for more information and to set up appointments at 860-376-2604.

Wednesday, April 25th- Norwich Pet Wellness Clinic Provided by The Connecticut Humane Society

Open to Senior Citizen of Norwich.   Cats and Dogs Only.

Call Elizabeth for Appointment (860) 594-4502 x 6306

More Information & Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the clinic held? The clinic will be held at the Rose City Senior Center (Art Room). There will be signs to point you in the right direction.
Who can attend this clinic? This clinic is meant to serve Norwich Senior Citizens who may not have the access to veterinary care for their beloved pets due to financial reasons.
What is the cost of bringing my pet(s) to this clinic? This clinic is FREE! Funding is provided by the Letz Fund for Animals and the Environment (Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut), Long Foundation, Chelsea Groton Bank, Charter Oak Federal Credit Union and the CT Humane Society.
What are the services provided to pets at these clinics?  Each pet seen by our vet will get a general wellness exam, rabies and distemper vaccinations (as needed), a flea/tick preventative, dewormer (as needed), and their nails trimmed. Additionally, dogs will get tested for heartworm. Pet food and supplies are available as well. Residents of Norwich will have the option of licensing their dog, free of charge, after pets receive the required rabies vaccine.
Is there a limit to the number of pets or type of pet I bring? We can see up to 2 pets per family in a single visit. Only dogs or cats will be seen. All dogs must be leashed and all cats must be in carriers. We reserve the right to refuse sick, pregnant, or aggressive pets.
Do I need an appointment to have my pet(s) seen? Yes. Appointments are needed. Please call Elizabeth at (860) 594-4502 x6306 to make an appointment for the April 25th Norwich Pet Wellness Clinic. Visits with the veterinarian will typically take about 10-15 minutes for each pet. There to be a short wait time. Your patience and cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Do I need to bring  any paperwork to show my proof of need?  No. We do not screen for financial need.
Do I need to bring anything other than my pet(s)? If your pet has been previously seen by another veterinarian, please bring any records you have.

VETERANS’ COFFEE HOUSE- First Friday of the Month at New London Senior Center

TVCCA, through their RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program)  is sponsoring a Veterans’ Coffee House the first Friday of every month from 9am to 11am at the New London Senior Center at 120 Broad Street in New London. The Coffee House will provide a comfortable location for ALL veterans – both mean and women of any age – to meet, socialize, communicate and receive information regarding veterans benefits and services through state and federal agencies and programs.