Category: Services

May 2017 Application help- Rental Rebate Program

We will begin doing applications in May.
Ashland Manor Community Room
Tuesday, May 9th              1:00 —2:00 pm
McCluggage Manor Community Room
Tuesday, May  16th           1:00 —2:00 pm
Ledgewood Community Room
Tuesday, May  23rd           1:00 —2:00 pm
In-House Dates
Wednesday, May 10th        12:30—2:30 pm
Wednesday, May 17th        12:30—2:30 pm
Wednesday, May 24th          2:00—3:00 pm
Call for an appointment on In-house dates at 860-376-2604.

Tuesday, May 16th- Three Rivers Rehab Services

Time: 10:30 a.m.
Jodi Rodriguez, Director of Rehab for Three Rivers Rehabilitation Center in Norwich, will be here to discuss Rehab services offered at their facility to a person who goes to rehab after a hospitalization because they are unable to return home right away.  Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy will be discussed.
Please Sign up at Reception.

Financial Health Check Up

Financial Health Check Up On Thursday, May 11th from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm retired financial professional, Diana Melville, CLU, ChFC is available to help answer your questions about money management, investments, insurance and more.  To make a free and confidential appointment, please call (860)4341605 ext. 240.

Women’s Support Group

A Women’s Support Group facilitated by Lisa Navarra Clinical Social Worker from Senior Bridges will be held on April10th, April 24th, & May 8th at 1:00pm. Topics include but are not limited to depression, anxiety, poor coping, grief and loss, adjustment issues, family issues, trauma and substance abuse.  This group will be a safe and confidential place for women to discuss whatever they may be struggling with.  This free group will require a minimum of 4 people to run, so please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 if you are interested in joining.

Low Vision Services

The Lions Low Vision Center of Eastern CT will be here on May 5th at 1:00pm to discuss and guide you through getting free services that are available for people with low vision

AARP Foundation Tax Aides Available until April 13th

AARP Foundation Tax Aides will be at New London Senior Center between February 1st and April 13th, 2017, on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Please call us for free tax preparation appointments starting  February 1st.


Come for lunch at the Senior Center!

Regular meals are served daily. Monthly menu can be reviewed on the last page of the newsletter. Please remember to make your reservation for the days you will be visiting the Center. Invite a friend or family member to come join you at the Bistro meals on Mondays!