Category: Services

Senior Bus schedule

Monday – Senior Center, NL/ Waterford area shopping

Tuesday – Senior Center, shopping and banking

Wednesday – Senior Center, Norwich area shopping

Thursday – Senior Center, shopping and banking

Friday – senior Center or special trips


NEWS ALERT = bus reservations are made through the Senior Center.

Please call 860-848-0422 or stop by the front office.

Senior Club Yard Sale


We have done well raising funds for the Senior Citizens Club through the Re-Use Room/Yard Sales. If you have items you would like to donate (please bring up the morning of) or you would like to donate your time (sales are from 9:00am – 1:00pm) We start at 8:00 to set up – please leave your name with the office!

Montville Health Services

Monday – massage therapy – Therapist Marie Arsenault

Tuesday – blood pressure/sugar – Masonicare Home Health and Hospice

Wednesday – podiatry – Dr.  Thomas Walter

Thursday – hearing testing/aide – Specialist Bob Sawyer

Friday – healing touch – Practitioner Cecelia Sullivan

Screening are free to Montville seniors. Donations are accepted. Call for info/details of each of our health services @ 860-848-0422.

Dear Seniors,

We are into this beautiful Fall season, enjoy the foliage but please ask for help in raking leaves if needed. Please inquire, as there are services available to help!

And as we head into the colder months, do not forget to apply for Energy Assistance. There are different programs available and Kathie will sit with each of you to see which ones you qualify for! Don’t be cold this winter, stay warm and in your heated home! As always, I am here for questions or concerns!

Liaison, Billy Caron

Also at the Norwich Senior Center

GIFT SHOP—Open to the public, it is located in the Senior Center lobby. We offer a variety of gifts and cards for very reasonable prices. Local crafters have various items available as well as items that are made here at the Center.

COMPUTER ROOM—The Senior Center has a small computer room to allow you to play games, practice your skills, or use the Internet.

GREENHOUSE—The greenhouse grows and sells a variety of houseplants and occasionally vegetable plants. In the spring, summer, and fall there is an outdoor vegetable and flower garden. The greenhouse also offers many volunteer opportunities for those with a “green thumb.”

LIBRARY—Well stocked with current books and a setting for comfortable reading. The local newspapers are on hand as well.

COMPUTER ROOM—The Senior Center has a small computer room to allow you to play games, practice your skills, or use the Internet.

LIBRARY—Well stocked with current books and a setting for comfortable reading. The local newspapers are on hand as well.

Old Lyme Visiting Nurse

The nurse’s office is open Monday through Thursday from 11:15am – 1:15pm and Friday from 12:00-1:00pm here at the center.  No appointments are needed.  Our nurse would be happy to address any health questions or concerns as well as check your blood pressure.


Thanksgiving Food Baskets

Thanksgiving Baskets

It is that time of the year with the Holidays just around the corner. If you need or you know someone who needs a Thanksgiving Holiday Food Basket, please call. Don’t do without all of the fixings of a meal that help make the Holidays special. Last day to sign up is Wed, Nov. 18th. Distribution day is Sat, November 21st.

This is a Community Projects are seniors work hard to prepare. Our seniors sort and prepare the Holiday Baskets that are made available to those in our Town finding themselves in need. If you are a senior and would like to volunteer your time with this project, please call the Center @ 860-848-0422 for details!







Small Business Saturday, November 28th

Small Business Saturday, November 28th 10am -2pm
Indoor Sidewalk Event at Groton Senior Center
Nov 28th
Event Vendor Information:
Vendor set up begins at 9 am & break down is promptly at 2 pm.
Cost: $30 for 8ft long table, $20 for 4ft round table (non-refundable) No commission off sales. Flat rate fee & raffle item.

An item worth at least $10 is to be donated by each vendor for the event raffle. Please make sure to have the price of the item attached to the item.

We are so excited to be doing this event on Small Business Saturday to support small businesses like yourself. This event can and will be successful because we are working together!

Questions? Please feel free to contact Margo at 860-441-6782.

VOICES, Our Monthly Newsletter

VOICES is the Senior Center’s monthly newsletter.  When ready (approximately the last week of each month), the paper version may be picked up at the Senior Center, senior housing complexes, and a variety of local businesses and medical facilities. You may also choose to have the final newsletter (with inserts, if any), mailed to your home for $8 a year which helps cover postage.

Each VOICES includes listings of regular services, special programs and a variety of articles on happenings in the Senior Center community. Items may include news on Day-Trips, Mini-Trips, our Sunshine Corner/Birthday Celebration, Library News, Greenhouse updates, Golden Nuggets activities, and “Help Your Neighbor”. We often have guest speakers and/or informational presentations so keep a lookout for those announcements, too. Each issue also includes the weekday Menu for TVCCA lunches held here at the Senior Center.

Have an idea for something you would like to see in the newsletter? We would love to know about it.


MEMBERSHIP* — Yearly Membership runs from July 1st to June 30th. Registration is required to participate in events sponsored by the Senior Center as well as for transportation services.

A $25 (per person) yearly membership donation is suggested. *Financial assistance is available (Please see Mike Wolak or Hilary Sandberg).

Membership Application