Category: Services

It Is Back To School Time And We Need To Take Attendance!

Please sign in every day as it helps us with attendance recording which then allows us to better serve you. Attendance into the Senior Center and classes is extremely important. Rooms are booked on class attendance so the importance cannot be stressed enough on swiping in. Here is a quick refresher:

  • Everything on the touch screen is in time order.
  • Always swipe Daily Sign In please.
  • Once, you log in, each activity you touch will turn yellow with a check mark for your attendance.
  • There are multiple pages so please continue by hitting next page until you have logged all your class attendance/activities for that day.
  • Having lunch? Please be sure to hit the lunch button as well.
  • If you have questions on logging in please ask the front desk for assistance.

Elegant Dining Delivery Program

We are grateful to these Groton restaurants who donated meals in August

Bayou Smokehouse
214 Route 12, Groton

Groton Townhouse
355 Route 12, Groton

Our monthly program is for those who are homebound or in need of a lift, we have a restaurant meal delivered to them with all the necessities. Know somebody who would appreciate this? Please call 860-441-6795.