Coffee & Conversation

Wednesday, December 6th at 12:30pm


Our Resident State Troopers have requested this important meeting for all seniors in Preston. Scams are becoming more and more prevalent and the skill in which these criminals operate and persuade their victims becomes more plausible than ever before. The newest scam is that of a Publishers Clearing House in which the individual is sent a letter congratulating them as a winner and a CHECK! We have someone willing to attend the Coffee & Conversation event, share their story, tell us what actions taken and what signs to look for that are red-flags. The doors open at noon and the program will begin at 12:30 p.m. Registrations are not necessary and Preston seniors are cordially invited to participate.

With the holidays fast approaching, you can be certain that the scam artists are already planning their next move. The event is open to discussion from residents as well as the afore mentioned topics. Bring your concerns to the Resident State Troopers and partake in an informative afternoon.