These are based on the current recommendations from the State of Connecticut and Ledge Light Health District for Senior Centers.
1. Masks covering the nose and mouth must be worn. You can remove your mask only if you are at your outside exercise or program spot. Programs or events under the tent will require masks be worn at all times. Anytime you are walking around the grounds, you must have your mask covering your nose and mouth. Mask breaks can be taken over 20 feet away from tent and 12 feet from the nearest person. If you are unable to wear a mask, please call Stephanie Gould at the Senior Center and we will try and make alternative arrangements for you to participate in programs or services virtually. Masks with ventilators are not acceptable, unless covered with another mask.
2. Social Distancing Everyone is required to maintain a 6-foot social distance while at the Senior Center (10-12 feet during exercise classes). Spaces will be marked.
3. Visiting is not allowed. You must have a reservation or appointment for a service, exercise class or to participate in a program and you will be required to leave the premises after your class, program, or service. Members will not be allowed to drop in and visit for extended periods.
4. Reservations are required for all programs, classes, and services. Due to limited class sizes, you can only sign up for one class per category (i.e., art workshops, low impact classes, etc.). Please remain in your car until your scheduled appointment or class time.
5. Bathrooms: The Senior Center building will not be open to the public. All participants will have to use a nearby Port A Potty located in the Town Woods parking lot.
6. Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms should NOT visit the center grounds.
7. The Director or her designated representative reserves the right to ask anyone who is not adhering to these protocols to leave the premises. These protocols are subject to change based on changing recommendations.
Please sign and date below to acknowledge you have read and received these guidelines.
Date _________________________________________________________________________________________________