Farmer’s Market Vouchers

Will be distributed on: Wednesday, July 20th from 9:00 a.m. – Noon

Farmer’s Market coupons are available to low income seniors who meet certain eligibility requirements.

You must meet the following Eligibility Requirements in order to receive a coupon booklet:

¨ You must be 60 years or older.

¨ Yearly income not to exceed $25,142 for single or $33,874 for couple.

¨ Must be participating in another need based program that verifies income eligibility such as Renter’s Rebate, Congregate Meal Program, Medicaid, SNAP (Foodstamps), etc.

¨ You must be a resident of the town you receive the coupon booklet from.

¨ If you are under 60 and disabled you must meet all other eligibility requirements and live in subsidized housing facilities occupied primarily by older individuals to be eligible.

Limit of one coupon booklet per eligible senior annually.