Foot Care Clinics

Third Thursday every month

The first clinic is done by our town nurse, Denise Piersa, and is free of charge. During the foot
care clinic she will be performing routine foot care services including assessing feet and legs,
soaking feet, and sanding/filing of toenails. Cutting of toenails cannot be done at this clinic. Her
next appointment times are available on Thursday, December 16th starting at 12pm. Please
call the nurse directly to schedule the appointment at (860) 434-7808.
The second clinic is done by Gretchen O’Connor, RN from Foot Nurse Associates and she will be
accepting appointments for routine foot care services including assessing feet and legs, gentle
cleaning, clipping, and sanding/filing of toenails to reduce length and thickness on Thursday,
January 21st appointments available between 12-3pm. Call (860)434-4127 ext. 1 to make an
appointment. Cost of appointment is $35.00.