To your Health and Wellness!
One of the staff goals at the center is to foster your health and well-being. The center
offers many programs that promote your physical health including fitness classes of all
levels, the fitness center, Blood pressure clinic, foot care clinic as well as speakers from
local health agencies. We also focus on your mental health with programs like mind
aerobics and the NEW Zero Isolation program. We also want to promote your general
well-being with classes that are fun and promote socialization, relaxation and challenge
you to learn. All games, art classes, music, technology and education programs promote personal development
and quality of life.
Take a look at the game Corn Hole. Corn hole is a fun game we play weekly in our main room after the lunch
crowd leaves. According to Google it is best described as a “lawn game” in which players toss beanbags toward a
slanted platform with the aim of passing the beanbag through a hole in the center of the platform. As we age,
vision, depth perception, balance, and coordination can decline. Our weekly Corn hole games get our patrons
active and aids critical hand-eye coordination and balance.
So if you know anyone who doesn’t take advantage of the center, let them know that we offer thoughtful
programming and services to promote positive aging. We know many of you are already leading very busy lives.
The programming at the center is focused on promoting healthy aging for participants to keep you living those
busy lives. So take advantage of what is available and let staff know if there are new programs you would like to
see. It is all here to benefit your health and wellness.