Tuesday, October 3rd at 1:00pm
Help us build a Monument! Learn more about this wonderful project from one of the project leaders, Marian Galbraith, former Mayor of Groton City. This project is a collaboration of Town and City of Groton. The sail from the USS Groton
will be put up as a monument dedicated to the men and women who design, build, operate and maintain submarines and the families and communities who support them. Groton, Connecticut, rightfully called the “Submarine Capital of the World” is home to the United States Naval Submarine Base, General Dynamics Electric Boat, and the historic USS Nautilus and Submarine Force Museum. This legacy goes back more than 100 years, and the synergy between the defense industry, U.S military and the people of southeastern Connecticut make Groton uniquely qualified to build this lasting monument. We
need to raise the funds to build a monument in Groton, because we are the Submarine Capital of the World. The Groton community has hosted tens of thousands of Navy and shipbuilding families over the past century, and we are focused on preserving this legacy of our maritime heritage.