We would like to thank Terry for being such an active and dedicated volunteer
here at Thrive55+. She is very passionate about helping others and takes great
pride in all that she does. She tends to work behind the scenes and prefers to
remain anonymous. Terry’s hard work doesn’t go unnoticed and her leadership
role as the head volunteer for the party committee is absolutely awesome!!
Terry has been a volunteer at the center for at least 15 years. She began
volunteering when a childhood friend, Carol Pratt, approached her and asked
her to play the piano for the centers’ chorus. Terry had recently retired from
being a teacher for 31 years in the New London school system. She also
volunteers for the Groton Public Library delivering books to homebound
patrons. This is a program that is near and dear to her since her mother began
it in the 70’s. Terry has been involved in this program for well over 20 years.
Terry also knits chemo caps and donates them to a local oncologist for cancer
patients. Terry stated that she continues to volunteer on a regular basis because
the people that she is helping rely on her to be there for them.
When she’s not volunteering you will find Terry reading books, playing cards
and enjoying cruises. She is chapter president of ETA Connecticut State
Organization of Delta Kappa Gamma International for women teachers.
We couldn’t do what we do at Thrive55+ without volunteers like Terry.
She is one of a kind and absolutely amazing.