Medicare Talk With John Pitarra


This year’s Medicare Annual Enrollment period will have some of the biggest changes to Medicare plans in recent history. We’ll see the most significant changes to prescription drug plans since the creation of Medicare Part D. This is due to the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. These changes
also have the potential to impact medical benefits for 2025. Some people with
higher cost prescriptions could benefit due to a lower cap but the majority of
Medicare recipients could see an increase in drug cost. It’s important you
understand how these changes impact you as an individual. This educational
seminar will go into detail on the impact this legislation has on Medicare Part
D. We’ll also cover the changes in Medicare A and B as well as discuss impacts
on Part C plans. The cost of Medicare and available assistance programs will
be reviewed.

There will be plenty of time allotted to answer questions and to
address individual concerns.


This seminar is facilitated by John Pitarra Jr
owner of Senior Health and Retirement Service, Madison CT