
    Dinner & A Movie

    When: Friday, July 26th at 3 PM

    Menu: Shepard’s Pie & Sides
    Movie: The Hustle

    Cost: $5.00

    Starring Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson

    “Josephine Chesterfield is a glamorous, seductive British woman who has a penchant for defrauding gullible men out of their money. Into her well-ordered,
    meticulous world comes Penny Rust, a cunning and fun-loving Australian woman who lives to swindle unsuspecting marks. Despite their different methods, the two grifters soon join forces for the ultimate score — a young and naive tech billionaire in the South of France.”

    Need Dental Help?

    Date: Tuesday, July 2nd at 1 PM

    Cost: FREE

    With Dr. Brandon Patel, PhD

    Do you have questions about your dental insurance? Do you feel like your dental coverage is minimal, with huge out of pocket copays? In this presentation, I will discuss the different dental options that seniors have available to them. Unfortunately, Medicare does not cover dental procedures unless you select a
    Medicare Advantage plan (Part C coverage). This lecture will focus on the
    different Part C options patients have available to them, along with discussing
    the pros and cons of Medicare supplemental coverage plans. Even if you do not qualify for or choose to forgo part C coverage, there are options to help reduce your dental bill.

    A Message From Your Mayor,

    Our town values our Seniors and I hope that you are all taking full advantage of the variety of events and programs that we have coming up in July. Live music will be added to our 2nd BBQ on Friday, July 19th at 1:00pm. On Friday, July 26th at 3:00pm our dinner will be Shepherd’s Pie and the movie being shown is ‘The Hustle with Anne Hathaway’. Also, find out how to get routine dental care at a lower cost when Uncasville Dental visits us on July 2nd at 1:00pm. Please note that with the rise in recent temperatures, the Center is also a great place to keep cool and hydrated. We welcome all of our Seniors to come and enjoy our cool atmosphere!

    Leonard (Lenny) Bunnell,

    July Annual Summertime BBQ

    Where: 12 Maple Avenue, Uncasville, CT 06382

    When: Friday, July 19th at 1 PM

    Cost: $8.00 donation

    Menu: BBQ Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Salad and Watermelon!

    Come join us for part 2 of our ANNUAL SUMERTIME BBQ! Join us for an afternoon of great food entertainment with GREAT people!

    Sign up on the bulletin board at the senior center or call (860)848-0422! We hope to see you there!

    New Program: Sound Healing


    Come check out this increasingly popular sound healing session! Misty brings her talents to the Montville Senior Center, to help our seniors heal through sound. This is something you won’t want to miss out on!

    Please join us as Misty, a certified sound healer, guides us through a sound healing meditation that provides a wonderful opportunity for deep healing and relaxation. Sound healing has been scientifically researched and acclaimed as a gentle and effective tool for mind-body wellness. It has been proven to facilitate concentration, relaxation, creativity, and pain management. The benefits can be felt after one session, although there are long term benefits from re-
    peated sessions.

    Participants will remain seated in a position that is most comfortable for them. This may mean in chairs or lying down. If you choose the latter, please bring a yoga mat as well as 2 blankets and 2 pillows for comfort and support. With the
    room dimly lit, we will begin a short meditation to settle in and quiet the mind before we relax to the sounds of the frame drum, quartz crystal singing bowls, koshi chimes, and more. This is truly a beautiful way to calm the nervous sys-
    tem, connect with self, and gain clarity of our inner being.

    Sound healing benefits:
    -reduces stress and anxiety
    -lowers blood pressure
    -increases circulation and blood flow
    -balances both hemispheres of the brain
    -increases mental and emotional clarity
    -brings deep relaxation and eases pain
    -improves quality of sleep
    -increases ability to concentrate
    -inspires deep meditative states and deepen all
    spiritual work