O.A.T.S. Outdoor Active THRIVING Seniors (55+)
A hearty group of cool people with a shared interest of being outdoors and local adventure who happen to be 55 and older. Want to join our email list for all the details of upcoming OATS outings? Please call 860-441-6623 or email Cindy at colsen@groton-ct.gov
Thursday, September 14 at 1:30 pm- a 4 mile hike at G.O.S.A. Sheep Farm on the blue trail then crossing over into the Merritt Property. MUST register by Sept 11.
Monday, October 16 at 10 am – a 3 + mile hike on a even and mellow trail at our own Copp Family Park. Must register by Oct 12.
*We want you! Looking for outdoorsy volunteers to help at our LUMINARIA WALK Fundraiser Sat., Oct 7 evening at Copp Family Park! Please contact colsen@groton-ct.gov if you are interested.