It has been months since our center was open to the public. As we keep moving safely through this pandemic let us keep in mind that one day in mid March, without any real warning, we were instructed to close our doors. Just like us, schools and many businesses also just closed.
This happened to all of us. Our community here at Groton Senior Center, our local community and our families near and far. Let that sink in. Though at times it may feel like it is just you going through these hard times. We all lost sudden contact with one another. Our children and grandchildren were affected. Our parents were affected. Sigh, those admitted to hospitals weren’t allowed to have any one to sit with them. Our health, finances and even spiritual outlets were all compromised. Is it any wonder that almost six months later we are less patient with one another?
Whatever doors were closed to you, it is important to remember PATIENCE. We all have been struggling. We too want to be open again. We too want “normal” again. We too are anxious, antsy and a bit of everything in between. As we eventually do head back to normal, our patience is being tested all over again. Patience. May it be one of your strongest characteristics.