Post Cancer Exercise Class Surviving-N-Moving Class to begin September 19th and held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30pm. It is open to all adults regardless of age. Instructor Donna Scott is trained and certified as a Certified Personal Trainer and Cancer Exercise Training Specialist (CES) with over 8 years of combined personal/group training experience. As a CES she has studied exercise implications and contraindications for 25 types of cancer, surgery, reconstruction and treatments, breast reconstruction and contraindications to exercise, about preventing and identifying lymphedema and cancer related pain, mental and physical fatigue during cancer treatment, and conducting postural assessments and working with medical professionals as needed. Following cancer surgery and treatment there are numerous physically debilitating side effects that cancer clients have become accustomed to living with. Based on her training, Donna Scott has developed “Surviving-N-Moving”, so cancer survivors no longer have to accept the fact that they have to live with limited range of motion, poor posture, neck and back pain, lymphedema, chronic fatigue, and many other symptoms, following their surgery/treatment. Through this simple group exercise program combining cardiovascular conditioning, strength training, balance, flexibility and relaxation techniques, many of the agonizing problems survivors experience can be made more tolerable. Besides the physical aspects that cancer survivors gain from exercise, getting together in a group setting creates a community, sharing common struggles where each member becomes accountable to one another and friendships develop.
This 11 week-twice a week program is FREE (normally $110) thanks to generous donations from the Friends of the Lymes’ Senior Center, the Lymes’ Senior Center board and the Old Lyme Visiting Nurse Assoc.
It contains the following elements:
Short “centering” meditation * Low impact movement * Resistance/Strength training with light weights or bands * Flexibility and Balance * Stretching * Cool down/ Relaxation * All participants must receive medical clearance from their doctor before beginning the program and complete a Health History Questionnaire, and a Quality of Life Questionnaire. This program is open to all adults who have been treated for cancer and are in post recovery phase. The class minimum is 8 and the class maximum is 15 so the instructor can personalize her attention to each and every student. For more information or to sign up please call Donna Scott at 860-961-4507.