Join us for the Senior Center Book Discussions which are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 10:30 in the senior center library. The upcoming titles will be passed out at the monthly meetings, or you may pick up a copy at the Gales Ferry Library. New members are welcome!
Wednesday, December 28th : Ida B. by Katherine Hannigan-How can things go from righter than right to a million miles beyond wrong? Can Ida B put together a plan to get things back to just-about perfect again? Goodreads
Wednesday, January 25th: Peace Like a River by Leif Enger- In Enger’s superb debut effort, we witness a wondrous celebration of family, faith, and spirit, the likes of which we haven’t seen in a long, long time—and the birth of a classic work of literature. Goodreads
Wednesday, February 22nd: Still Life by Sarah Winman- Still Life is a sweeping portrait of unforgettable individuals who come together to make a family, and a deeply drawn celebration of beauty and love in all its forms. Amazon Review