The State of Connecticut is still in Phase 2 of reopening and the following measures are still in place:
Capacity limit of 50% for most businesses that reopen.
Strict cleaning and disinfection protocols in all settings.
Those who can work from home should continue to do so.
Those in high-risk groups (comorbidities) and over the age of 65 should continue to stay safe and stay home.
Facemasks should continue to be worn in public at all times.
Specific to Senior Centers are that outdoor events will be limited to 100 people. Indoor events will be limited to 50% of building capacity or 25 people per space (whichever is smaller). ALL participants must be logged in through a check-in process to support contract tracing. Programs are to be scheduled to allow for decreased congestion, and time to sanitize before the start of a new one. Café meal sites should not open at this time. Registration for any program must e advance. Any activity run by Senior Centers must maintain 6 ft of social distancing at all times.
In short, a return to “normal” operation is not recommended at this time.