Travel with us virtually on Zoom
Tuesday, September 29,2020
1:45 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Senior Learning Presents: The Salamander State
Program Description: What could be more fun than beautiful, slimy salamanders? Did you know that North Carolina has more species of salamander than any other state? Join Megan as we learn all about our slimy, secretive neighbors. We’ll discuss their fascinating life cycles, where they live, their neat adaptations, and some of the most common species you might find near you. Megan Davis is the Teacher Education Specialist at the NCMNS and she thinks she has one of the best jobs ever! Megan has undergraduate degrees in Zoology and Spanish (NC State), and a Masters in Wildlife Conservation (UMass Amherst).
Please call 860-441-6785 to register and get the log in information.