Sign up for a trip to Wright’s Chicken Farm!

Preston seniors are invited to participate in our scheduled trip to
Rhode Island! Mark your calendars for Friday, August 16th for a trip to
Wright’s Chicken Farm in Rhode Island. The family style menu consists of
Baked Chicken, fresh baked rolls, salad topped with Wright’s Farmhouse
dressing, pasta with Wright’s Farm trademark marinara sauce and signature home style French fries. We will be partnering for this event with our good friends at the Lisbon Active Aging Center. (Lisbon seniors are requested to register directly with their senior center at 860-376-2329. The cost of their ticket will include transportation and driver fee).

I anticipate two pick-up points for this event; the first at Lincoln Park Housing and the second at the Preston Senior Center. Registrations and payment must be made no later than Tuesday, August 6th at noon. Cost per person: $18.75 for Preston residents. Limited seating is available, first come, first serve. Please call the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6 to make your reservation.