On July 6th, the Senior Center will resume limited
transit service. Due to COVID-19, the service will
begin with only 1 passenger allowed on the vehicle at
a time. All passengers must wear a mask unless there
is a medical contraindication. The revised schedule
will be:
Monday: the south part of town can go to Waterford/
New London
Tuesday: the south part of town can go the grocery
Wednesday: the north part of town can go to Waterford/
New London
Thursday: the north part of town can to the grocery
Friday: will be left open to try and accommodate any
requests that could not be fulfilled during the
Medical appointments are a priority. All other ride
requests will be scheduled around those. If you have a
medical appointment, reserve with the Senior Center
office as soon as you can. This schedule will remain in
effect for the month of July and will be re-evaluated
in August. You must be registered for this service.