Virtual Art Presentations

ONLINE GALLERY TALK ~ Florence Griswold Museum

Reckoning with History: Reframing the Impressionist Landscape  

Wed., Oct 7th  2:00p.m.

How we understand the past shapes the way we view the scenic places celebrated by Lyme Colony artists after 1900.  New research and shifting perspectives shed fresh light on the lived history the painted settings evoke.  The untold stories of Native Americans, African Americans, and European immigrants suggest alternative ways of seeing and framing the Impressionist landscape. The lecture will take place virtually via GoTo Webinar.

Pre-registration required.


ONLINE GALLERY TALK ~ Florence Griswold Museum

Gender and the Impressionist Landscape

Wed., Oct 14th  11:00a.m.

Join Curator of Fresh Fields: American Impressionist Landscapes exhibition for a discussion of new perspectives on gender and the landscape in American Impressionism.  Professional women artists such as Matilda Browne and Mary Bradish Titcomb will be considered.  Women will also be discussed as a subject depicted in impressionist paintings by men artists such as Willard Metcalf, Will Howe Foote, and George B. Burr as they turned their eyes to family life as inspiration for their work.  The lecture will take place virtually via GoTo Webinar.

Pre-registration required.


ART CHAT with Artist Christine Goldbach

Tue., Oct 27th  12:00p.m.

Join Mastering the Masters instructor and artist Christine Goldbach for a ZOOM art class dealing with everything from how to hold a pencil to art history. Chris Goldbach will talk about art in all its forms.  This one hour entertaining look into the wild wide world of art will answer your questions and solve your art problems from a-z, abstraction to zinc white!  Enjoy this special approach to art.  Play along with Chris, have your art supplies (any medium) handy and be ready to explore.  All levels welcome.  Offered by Fairfield Bigelow Senior Center.

Email Hilary for the ZOOM link.