We encourage you to join us, see and make friends and socialize with safe distancing. Everyone is welcome you do not need to be a Groton resident to join us. Having trouble logging on? Please call us 860-441-6785.
DISCOVER CONNECTIONS meets Tuesday and Thursdays 10:00 am – 10:30 am virtually through ZOOM. This virtual class offers stimulating activities such as mind aerobics, music, reminiscing , poetry, exercise and more. This virtual program is designed for adults with beginning to mild cognitive challenges or anyone at risk for social isolation.
The meeting ID is 784-3589-4247. No password is required just the ID
WE WEDNESDAYS meets weekly Wednesdays 10– 10:30 am virtually through ZOOM so that we may socialize with you while safe distancing. We will keep it casual with one staff member and just allow for everyone to have a chance to say hello and let everyone how they have been doing and what they have been doing.
The meeting ID is 719 3534 4254 / Password 9QvDdj
MIND AEROBICS meets virtually through Zoom Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00-11:30 am . Everyone is welcome you do not need to be a Groton resident to join us. This class is going to offer things such as trivia, name that tune, math equations and much more!!! If you’re looking for something to challenge your mind than this is the class for you.
The meeting ID is 726-0483-2646