Volunteers of 2020

Pictured in the paper copy of the newsletter are just a few of our fabulous volunteers who have continued helping out behind the scenes while our center has been closed to the public during the pandemic. Boy, 2020– what a year!

Yet, these amazing persons helped us through it! Our volunteers have been so dedicated and enthusiastic about keeping day to day things at the center running smoothly and also helping with community projects. Volunteers weekly handed out Community First Dinners, distributed hundreds of food boxes on several occasions, passed out daily grab and go lunches, tended our GSC garden beds and prepped them for the winter. They also called for our 2020 outdoor bingo, helped at our special luncheons and decorated the center for the holidays.

During these trying times it’s special folks like these that help us to maintain a sense of normalcy for all of our friends that visit the center. We couldn’t do all we do without you! THANK YOU!