
    Dear Seniors,

    I have been meeting with the Director and we are working together to make sure that the Town of Montville is prepared for the continuing growth of the elderly population.  As we all know, the senior population is the fastest growing population in the country and is expected to continue to grow at a significant rate for decades to come.  I would like to make certain that in our Town, we are prepared for this growth and that our services and programs can match the population.  As always, I am available for comments, suggestions, and concerns.

    -Liaison Billy Caron


    Thursday Evenings from 4:30-6:30 pm FREE (Materials can be purchased day of class FOR $10.00 KITS or you can bring your own) Zentangle is an easy to learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.  IT’s easy to learn, and the best part is that you don’t need to have any drawing skills to do this!  Each intricate design is broken down in easy to follow steps that guarantee a successful and unique piece.  Please register in front office during regular office hours.


    MONDAY EVENINGS 6:30-7:30 pm FREE
    Get healthy and stay fit!  Go at your own pace—Cardio exercise incorporates cardio movements with light weights, strength training and more for our seniors to continue to live long healthy lives!  Great instructor, fun class, come have a ball!  Best of all—it’s FREE to our seniors!!!

    Evening Programs

    We are continuing and adding evening progams at the Senior Center for our residents 60+.  Please watch for details and call or come into the office, during office hours, to register for programs.


    Tuesday, February 14th 3:00 PM Dinner, Dancing, Raffles & Fun Cost: $6.00 donation Entertainment too!

    Menu: Roasted Turkey w/homemade dressing, potatoes, veggies, coffee & dessert & more!
    RAFFLES too!!!!

    Come join us and celebrate Valentine’s Day (you don’t need a sweetheart, we are all sweethearts!)  Come and enjoy a wonderful meal, some great friends, and dance or listen to some great music!  Always a great time!  Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend!   Bus is available!