April Services

Call (860)-434-4127 to Schedule Appointments


Mini-Pedicure: April 11th and 13th – ($25)

Haircuts: April 10th and 27th – ($15)

Foot Clinic w/ Town Nurse (doesn’t cut toenails): April by appt – (free)

Blood Pressure Clinic: daily fro,m 11:00am-1:00pm – (free)

Medicare Enrollment: April by appt – (free)

Manicures: April 6th by appt – ($15)

Reiki Appointments: April 5th and 19th – (free for April & May)

Lifelong Learning Lecture: A Human Face on World War II

Wednesday, April 19th at 1:00pm


With Storyteller Arnie Pritchard. Arnie will bring guests the story of his father’s time as a soldier in World War II. Pritchard inherited the papers and letters found in a trunk after his father Tony Pritchard died and he pieced together into a story his father’s experience in the front lines in Europe.


Free for members. $10 for non-members

Drawing Seascapes in Pencil Class

Tuesdays, April 18th and 25th from 10:00am-12:00pm


Learn how to draw a seascape with waves in pencil. Students will use photo references. Lesson will concentrate on composition and value.

Cost: $20 for the two-week session. Registration and payment due in advance.

Supply list provided upon registration.

Easter Luncheon

Wednesday, April 5th at 12:00am


FEE: $7, RSVP to 860-464-0478

Followed by a performance of the Roseland Combo Classical Jazz Group

Trip: Newport Daffodil Days

Tuesday, April 18th at 10:00am

(rain date: April 25th)


Celebrate the arrival of over 1,200,000 bright yellow daffodils throughout the Newport area. Our “Daffy Days” trip will begin with shopping and lunch on-your-own at Bannister’s Wharf, then we’ll pick you up and take you to the Cliff Walk, so you can enjoy the thousands of daffodils lining the famous Cliff Walk. From there, we will take the scenic Ocean Drive before heading back to the senior center.
** Please note that this trip requires moderate to extensive walking.

FEE: $10, for transportation only

Register at www.ledyardrec.org or in the office

Trip: Italian Festival Featuring the Jersey Tenors

Thursday, April 13th at 10:15am

At Aqua Turf Club in Plantsville, CT


Don’t miss this slam dunk hit featuring opera classics, rock epics and crooning ballads. Following a full course Italian luncheon, the Jersey Tenors will have you singing along as they raise the roof with their powerful voices!

FEE: $94; includes full course Italian luncheon, musical performance and meal taxes and gratuities

Register at www.ledyardrec.org or in the office

April Book Discussion

Wednesday, April 26th at 10:30am


Our book for discussion this month is The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. This is a truly remarkable book that that explores love, race, home and the power of women.


The Ledyard Senior Center Book Discussion takes place the fourth Wednesday of the month at 10:30 AM at the Ledyard Senior Center. Books are usually given out at the previous month’s meeting or can be picked up at the Gales Ferry Library part of Ledyard Library. We welcome you to join! If you have questions, please call Andrea at the Gales Ferry Library: 860-464-6943 or email aholbrook@ledyardlibrary.org.

Renters Rebate Program

April 1st is the first day that applications for the Renters Rebate Program will begin to be processed.

Participants in the program just have been 65 years of age by the end of the
calendar year preceding the filing period; or be 50 years of age or older and the
surviving spouse of a renter, who at the time of his/her death, had qualified and
was entitled to tax relief at the time of his/her death. Applicants filed under the
disability provision must be accompanied by current proof of disability. The
Claimant must have been a resident in Connecticut for a one-year period of time prior to filing an application.

Qualifying income guidelines for the calendar year 2022 must not exceed
$40,300.00 if unmarried, or $49,100.00 if married or other. For married couples or other, unless legally separated, income from both husband and wife must be counted in establishing qualifying income, regardless of living arrangements. Qualifying income is considered wages, bonuses, commissions, gratuities and fees; self-employment net income; gross Social Security benefits, Federal Supplemental Security income, dividends, interest, annuities; IRA distributions, Black Lung payments; Green Thumb payments; interest resulting from gifts received; Lottery winnings; net rental income, pensions, Railroad Retirement; severance pay, Unemployment Compensation, Workers Compensation, Alimony, etc.

The applicant must provide proof of rent and utilities payments during the
2022 calendar year.

Individuals interested in making application for the Renters Rebate of
Elderly and Totally Disabled Program are requested to contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6. When leaving a message, please include your name and telephone number. The application filing period is April 1st through October 1st.

Food Distribution

Friday, April 7th from 10:00-11:00am


(we are aware that the Town Hall will be closed but, we have chosen to continue
with our regular distribution plans as the first Friday of the month).

As of this date and until further notice, participants will no longer be required to wear face coverings/masks when participating in the event, per United Community and Family Services.