Mini – Holiday Craft Fair

Thursday, December 15th   9:30 – 1:30 p.m.

Stop by for some holiday shopping at our mini craft fair.  Hand-made crafts and one of a kind items made by talented Senior Center Members!  A great way to pick up some holiday gifts.  See you there!


Preston Intergenerational Pen Pal Project

Looking for a meaningful activity while remaining socially distant? Preston Youth
Services wants to bridge the generation gap, one letter at a time!! We are
looking to connect Preston youth (3rd grade and up) with Preston seniors (60+)
with our Intergeneration Pen Pal Project!!

Maybe snail mail sounds outdated and old fashioned. Let’s put it another way: In
these days of social distancing, wouldn’t it feel good to reach out and touch
someone? You still can. It’s just their hearts you’ll be touching. Kind words,
friendship, and funny jokes don’t have to be enjoyed in person. Sometimes, it’s
terrific to have them turn up in your mailbox in a handwritten letter.

Intergenerational Program multi benefits:
• Improves the mental agility and socialization of senior participants
• Improves comprehension and creative thinking of students

Preston Youth Services is encouraging hand written letters versus typed letters.

Live Well With Chronic Conditions Zoom Workshop

Mondays from 10:00am-12:00pm

November 7th – December 12th 


A 6-week workshop via ZOOM to learn how to better manage your ongoing health condition.


Participants will need a computer, tablet, or cellphone and a reliable internet connection. Materials will be sent directly to participants at no extra cost and include “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions” and a relaxation CD


To register, call 860-887-3561 ext 127 or email Lori at

Energy Assistance

Applications continue to be accepted for the TVCCA Energy Assistance Program. Income level for a household of one is $39,761.00 and $ 51,996.00 for a married couple.

For more information regarding guidelines and necessary documentation please contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 extension 6. It’s not too early to apply for this important program.

Chair Yoga

Mondays from 10:00-11:00am

6-week session starting Nov. 7th thru December 10th


A complete yoga practice using the support of a chair. Class will be offered in person at Preston Public Library or you can choose to participate via Zoom.

Fee: $38 per person per session


We’ve got an over abundance of puzzles to share from 500 pieces to 1500 pieces. Some are more challenging than others but you are free to borrow as many as you choose.

Lending Library

The Senior Center has a large display of books to loan. Feel free to come and browse, take home a few to enjoy or donate a few to our collection.

Transportation Services

Once again, the Town of Preston will be joining with 11 other towns to be collaborate with the Eastern Connecticut Transportation Consortium and the CT Department of Transportation to offer transportation services for medical appointments to individuals age 60 and over and disabled adults. Please note, this is a grant funded service and there is no guarantee that funding will be available for the entire year.

This program is open to Preston residents and they have completed a registration form. Individuals who reside in Skilled Nursing Facilities are not eligible for transportation through this program. Individuals who are eligible for free transportation through Medicaid are asked to use that program instead. Thirty-six one-way rides for the period of July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023 can be provided for medical appointments in New London County, as long as funding is available. Reservations must be made no later than 48 hours in advance but can be scheduled up to 2 weeks ahead. Trips can be scheduled during normal business hours. Requests for weekend & Monday trips must be made no later than Friday by 2 p.m. Personal Care Assistants (or family member acting as an escort) may accompany passengers who need extra help with entering and exiting the vehicle or have other needs that make traveling independently unsafe.


The program is free of charges for those who register for this service. If you
are interested in signing-up or have questions regarding this valuable service,
please contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6.


In addition to the afore mentioned transportation service, the Town of Preston does offer weekly shopping trips to the Lisbon shopping area and Norwich grocery stores. Our Monday shopping schedule is free of charge and registrations are necessary. Medical transportation services are offered, on a limited bases, to residents. Inquiries to either service may be directed to the Senior Affairs Office by telephoning 860-887-5581 ext. 6.


Have you ever wanted to bring out your inner Van Gogh but weren’t sure how to go about it?  Here’s your opportunity to be creative and take home your own landscape painting at the end of this one session class.  All supplies are included.

DATE:  Monday, January 9

TIME:   9:00 – 12:00

FEE:  $10

INSTRUCTOR:  Charles Shaw


DATE:  Wednesday, March 15

TIME:  12:00

FEE:  $7, RSVP to 860-464-0478