Come join us in a celebration in your honor! Declared Older Americans month in 1963 by President Kennedy, May is a time to come together to thank our seniors for the contributions they have made to our country, our community and our lives! Please join us for a luncheon and celebration in your honor! Please call #860-848-0422 or come in to sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend!

Bus is available.
The 2022 theme is Age My Way, an opportunity for all of us to explore the many ways older adults can remain in and be involved with their communities. (ACL)

The Lymes’ Senior Center Memorial Day Parade Participation

The Lymes’ Senior Center would like to dance in the upcoming Old Lyme Parade on Monday, May 30th. If you are interested in joining us please call us (860) 434-1605 ext. 240 or email us at seniorcenter@oldlyme-ct.gov .

We will be having Bethany Haslam from the Dance Studio of Old Lyme choreographing the dance and we will be practicing it April 11th, 18th, 25th and May 2nd, 9th and 23rd right after tap class at 11:00am. This is open to everyone and the dance will not be complicated as we will be moving forward at the same time. We will send you a video of the dance after you sign up so you can practice at home as well if you would like. It would be great if you can make at least 2 rehearsals and May 23rd attendance is required. We will be having our dress rehearsal and handing out T-shirts on that day! Monday, May 30th the parade is from 10am-11am.

A note from Liaison Billy Caron-

Dear Seniors,
I am looking forward to honoring all of you this month at the Older American’s Month Celebration. We have so much to be thankful to our elderly for. I know that I am personally thankful to my Grandmother and for all that she had done for me while growing up. I am blessed to know so many of our seniors in Town. I thank you for all that you have done for our great community,
our country and I know that each of us has so much to be thankful for in our personal lives.
– Liaison Billy Caron

Montville Senior Club News

The Senior Club will start collecting dues for the 2022 calendar year. 2022 dues will remain at the $10.00 annually. Dues help the Center with kitchen supplies and other necessities. The Club Board will meet soon to decide on best way to move forward and what the Club will be looking to do for future endeavors.

Senior Bus Schedule- Subject to Change

Mondays……….Senior Center, New London/Waterford area Shopping

Tuesdays……….Senior Center, Shopping, Banking

Wednesdays……Senior Center, Norwich area Shopping

Thursdays……….Senior Center, Shopping, Banking

Fridays……………Senior Center or Special Trip

News Alert– Bus Reservations are made through the Senior Center.

Please call 860-848-0422 or stop by the front office.

Meet Caitlin, our Virtual Program Leader

Please email Caitlin, our Virtual Program Leader, your email address to get on our list of virtual programs, events, newsletter & more!
Email Caitlin at: montvilleseniors@montville-ct.org

May Mini-Trip: Downton Abbey Style: Influences on Fashion 1912-1930 display at Windsor Senior Center on Wednesday, May 11th

Mini-Trips are open to Rose City Senior Center members only

Join us for a fun afternoon at Windsor Senior Center for this delightful presentation!

In advance of the next Downton Abbey film release this month, the Windsor Senior Center presents a captivating showcase on the characters, props, and influential clothing seen in the series and films.

Presenter Susan Jerome will explore the social, technological, and political developments of the early twentieth century as reflected in the notable evolution of women’s and men’s clothing.

Sign up at Reception.  Open to Senior Center Members.

Cost: $7   Payment must be made by May 9th.

Bus leaves Senior Center promptly at NOON and returns approximately 3:45pm. 

This trip will be using the Senior Center bus for transportation. 


Craft Classes ~Spring Craft on Friday, May 6th and May 20th at 10:00am

Make simple Spring crafts to take home and enjoy for the Season!  This easy crafts are good for beginners but all are welcome to join.  All materials will be supplied.

This class is free for Senior Center Members and led by our very crafty volunteer Joyce.

Class size will be limited and you need to sign up in advance to join the class.

Sign up at Reception if you are interested.



Book for Sale- White Gloves by Karen Warfield

Set in Norwich, CT in the 1860’s, White Gloves is an historical fiction novel with themes of mystery, intrigue, deception, and redemption.  Follow the story of Edwina Wojneck, a poor girl living with her family who always felt there was more to life than washing clothes and being belittled by her Mummy.

After her glamorous Aunt Vi gives her a taste of the finer things in life, Edwina is whisked off to a new “station” – being a maid in Rochurst Manor.  While there Edwina learns of the strange and disturbing past of Master Rochurst, and the tragic present circumstances of the ladies of the house!

Book Price ~ Senior Center Members: $12.00    Non-Members: $17.00

Purchase Book at Reception.  All proceeds will benefit the Rose City Senior Center.

Book Discussion: Karen Warfield will be here in late Summer/early Fall for a book discussion for those who are interested after reading the book.   The date is not yet scheduled.

Book Loan: The Senior Center has two copies of White Gloves to loan out (two week loan time) for Senior Center Members not able to purchase a book.  Please see Hilary if you are interested.


Renter’s Rebate Program ~2022

A program for low income elderly (65+) or disabled individuals who have rented in CT in 2021 and have not applied for the homeowners Circuit Breaker Program.  Program open through October 1, 2022.

You must apply in the town you are currently living in and have rented in Connecticut in 2021.

Income Limits:

Single: $38,100 yearly or less                         Couple: $46,400 yearly or less


Appointment Needed, Please Call:

Norwich residents, 55 and older call the Rose City Senior Center at (860) 889-5960.

If you are under 55 and a Norwich resident, call Norwich Human Services at (860) 823-3778.

If you reside in Senior Housing, please call your

 Resident Services Coordinator at your housing complex for information.