Sponsored by Pretty Nails and Spa
Starts at 8:15am, 15 minute appointments
$5pp Cut, file, shape, and polish.
Register with Senior Center.
Sponsored by Pretty Nails and Spa
Starts at 8:15am, 15 minute appointments
$5pp Cut, file, shape, and polish.
Register with Senior Center.
So, what is the ROMEO Club? (Retired Old Men Eating Out)
They eat out, have fun, make and keep friends. Men Only!
Trip fee is $5pp (transportation only)
Open to Non-Residents if there is availability Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.
Registration begins June 1st.
Jul 2nd & 3rd Sat 10am-5pm & Sun 10am-4pm
East Lyme Town Hall Green
Featuring New England’s Finest Juried Artists and Crafters Niantic Lions Art & Craft Show (nianticartsandcraftshow.com)
Cookwell with Diabetes – Begins Mon, Sep 12th – Oct 3rd
Four Part Cooking Class for Adults Living with Diabetes
Sponsored by the Ledge Light Health District
More details in the July Newsletter.
The regional Senior Centers are hosting an outdoor block party at the Groton Senior Center parking lot. Prepare to bring your chair and your dancing feet. More details to follow.
Laura Crews from Senior Resources will explain so
you understand your choices.
Registration begins Jun 1st, Register by Jun 23rd.
Are you on Medicare and paying for your Part B premium?
If your monthly incomes is less than $2,786 (gross) as a single or $3,754 (gross) as a couple per month, you could be eligible for the Medicare Savings Program (MSP).
Depending upon your income level, you could be eligible for 3 benefits.
1. The MSP will pay for the Part B premium for Medicare coverage.
2. You would be eligible for the Low Income Subsidy which pays the full monthly premium of a Medicare Part D (prescription coverage) benchmark plan, or a portion of a non-benchmark plan, yearly deductibles and co-insurance, or co-pays. It also allows you to change your Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage plans outside of the open enrollment period.
3. You may be eligible for the MSP to act as your supplemental health insurance.
If you would like more information or would like to apply for this program, call the Senior Center office.
Why Take a Defensive Driving Course?
The AARP Smart Driver course is the nation’s first refresher course specifically designed for drivers
age 50 and older. In many states, drivers may benefit from a discount on their auto insurance
premium upon completing the course. Contact your insurance company to find out. And you will
learn something new along the way. In fact, an evaluation of the course found that 97% of
participants changed at least one driving habit as a result of what they learned.
Wed, Jun 1st 12:30pm to 4:30pm $20 for AARP member $25 for non-AARP member
Wed, Aug 3rd 9:15am to 1:15pm $20 for AARP member $25 for non-AARP member
Register with the Senior Center office. Payment due upon registration.
New session started on May 5th and ends July 26th (no class July 5th).
Play a drum. create easy rhythms. Connect with others.
Experience a fun, therapeutic drumming program for all
abilities that energizes you while relieving depression,
stress and tension. Some drums are available for use or
you can bring your own. No experience necessary.
Register with the Senior Center. No fee required.
Cost: $20pp
Decorate you own Pet Plaque. Hang their leash or collar from this cute plaque made with your own style.
Includes plaque, paint, hook and instruction.
Registration begins Jun 1st. Register by Jun 17th.