Community Chorus: “Join Tono Dolce on a musical tour singing Disney favorites on Saturday, May 14th at 7:00pm

GNL Church (Groton New London), 151 Shewville Road, Mystic, Ct. The Concert will be in person and live-streamed. Directed by Luke Kalbach. Accompanied by Kathleen Bartkowski. Free  admission with refreshments to follow. For mor information, visit” (This is a Ledyard Community Chorus event).

Call senior center for more information at 860-887-5581 Ext: 6

Trip to Lighthouse Cruise (Classic) on Friday, August 12th

$37* for the bus and cruise    *50% due at sign up- full payment by June 1st

Lunch on your own before cruise at Captain Scott’s Lobster Dock

Bus leaves at 10:30am

Call Lisbon Senior Center to sign up 860-376-2329

Eight Passenger Van with a Wheelchair Lift is Ready for you!

The Senior Van is available to Lisbon residents ages 60 and over for the following:

Rides to Appointments (Doctor, Densist, Banking, Haircut, etc.)

Schedule your Appointments from 10:15 to 11:00am to 12:15 to 2:15pm.

Call us as soon as you have you have your appointment.

Shopping at 10:15 on Fridays to WALMART

(Other days/times for other stores can be accommodated upon request.

To and From the Senior Center

Call us at 860-376-2329 for the details on our hours for rides.


TVCCA Meals on Wheels

If you are unable to leave your home you can start receiving Meals-on-Wheels. 

Contact TVCCA at 860-934-1006 to get set up


Breath in That Fresh Air
Now that we are experience that warmer spring weather, have you thought about taking
your activities outdoors again? During Covid, Thrive55+ staff did many programs
planned for the outdoors and we encouraged everyone to get outside. Why are we still
doing that? Check out the five reasons below:
• Lowers your blood pressure and reduces stress — Spending time walking among or
simply looking at trees lowers blood pressure and reduces the stress-related hormones cortisol and adrenaline.
• Improves mood — Researchers have found that nature simply makes us happy. Anxiety, depression and anger
are notably decreased after spending time outdoors.
• Improves focus — Studies show that both adults and children who have difficulties focusing or controlling
impulses are better able to concentrate after being in nature. The natural world allows our brains to take a
break from all that mentally drains us, and even reduces symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
• Supports graceful aging — According to a study in the Journal of Aging and Health, adults over 70 who spent
time outdoors experienced fewer sleep difficulties, complained less about aches and pains, and enjoyed
improved mobility and ability to perform daily activities.
• Helps us heal quicker — Illness and surgery can be painful and frightening, which can increase stress and slow
healing. However, researchers discovered that patients who spent time outdoors during their recovery required
fewer painkillers, had fewer complications and experienced shorter hospital stays.

Now read through Discover 55+ and look for our outdoor programs like the OATs program, Tai Chi which goes
outdoors in good weather, Sunset Serenades, Club 55+ Flea Market and more. So breath in that fresh air and get
the benefits of being outdoors!

Active Living EXPO- Wednesday, May 11th

Our ever popular ACTIVE LIVING EXPO is taking place this year on Wednesday, May 11th 10 am to 1 pm.  This is FREE and open to anyone to attend!