The East Lyme Police Department is participating in the DEA National Drug Take Back Day
to be held on Saturday, April 30th from 10am to 2pm. Everyone is encouraged to turn in unneeded
medication for safe disposal.

Check out your medicine cabinet or wherever you may keep medications – examine what you have –
is the medication still used? – is the medication expired? If you answer yes to either of these
questions, those medications need to be removed properly and this is your opportunity.

Remember, the East Lyme Police station is in its new location at 277 West Main Street.

During the week of April 25th, the Senior Center will help those folks that need a ride – if you have
medications you need to dispose of, reserve a ride with us and we will get you to Police Department.

LUNCH & LEARN – Wednesday, April 27th at 12:30pm

Presentation on “Nutrition and Aging: We all eat and we all age”
Staying active and healthy as we age comes from taking
good care of ourselves at every stage of life. Every day is a
good day to make small changes for improvement. We will
discuss an overview of how to eat better for healthy aging
and review any questions from the audience.
Registration begins Apr 1st. Register by Apr 22nd.


4 week session
Come have fun with us. Get your hands dirty & make some clay sculpting pieces.
Registration begins Apr 1st. $20R/$25NR
All supplies provided.

ELDER ABUSE PUBLIC FORUM ~Thursday, April 7th from 7:10 to 11:00am

Please Join Attorney General William Tong & State Rep. Holly Cheeseman for a forum to discuss the new Elder Justice Hotline and issues facing older adults.
Registration is now open!

CT Elder Justice Hotline Call 1-860-808-5555

Senior Center Fun Trip – Monkey Farm, Old Saybrook on Wednesday, April 13th

Lunch with shopping afterwards. Departure time is 11:00am and expected return is 3:30pm. Trip fee is $5pp (transportation only). Open to Non-Residents if there is availability Non-residents
will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.

Senior Center Fun Trips use a bus from the Center for transport to and from destination. # of seats very limited. Registration begins the 1st business day of the month starting at 8am. Call the office to register and then make your payment by 4pm on the 2nd business day.

Registration begins Apr 1st.


The filing period for the property tax relief program for elderly and totally disabled homeowners’ begins Feb
1st and runs through May 15th. The homeowner must be at least 65 years of age at the close of 2021 or be
receiving 100% disability benefits from Social Security. The homeowner must occupy the property as their
principal residence and not be receiving tax relief benefits from any other town or state.

Income limits for the 2021 calendar year cannot exceed $38,100 for a single individual or $46,400 for married
couples. These amounts INCLUDE Social Security payments. A complete copy of the 2021 IRS return must
be submitted at time of application with a copy of the Social Security 1099. If no IRS return is filed then all
1099 forms and all income for the year must be presented. Veteran pensions and veteran disability
payments are included as income for this program. Anyone filing under totally disabled must submit proof
of disability, ie: an original award letter from Social Security and or a current status report from Social
Security and any other income.

In addition to the State homeowners tax credit, the Town of East Lyme passed an ordinance on November 2,
2005 providing additional tax relief for elderly and totally disabled homeowners. Applicants must be a
resident of East Lyme, 65 years of age or over, or under age 65 and totally disabled.

Applicant must have been taxpayer of the Town of East Lyme for 10 years immediately preceding their
receipt of Town tax credit. Payment of property taxes must be current as of date of application.

Property for which tax credit is claimed must be occupied by applicant as his or her principal residence
(more than 183 days each year). Income requirements are the same as those approved by the Office of Policy
and Management. Proof of income and disability are required.

Income limits are adjusted annually.

Tax credit will range from $300.00 – $1,000.00 off the tax bill depending on applicants income.

Maximum 2021 income is $46,400.00 regardless of martial status.

To apply for any of the above programs, you must contact the Assessor’s Office located in the East Lyme
Town Hall. For more information, call the Town Hall at 860-739-6931 and press #6.

Coming Soon- Chess Lessons Online

Free online chess classes, covering topics at different levels. Whether you are a beginner without any chess knowledge or an existing chess players looking to sharpen your skills. Details available soon.

Yoga – Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00-10:00am 

New session starts on Apr 5th and ends on Jun 23rd (no class 4/21 & 5/19). In person instruction on Tue and Thu at 9am.
Class fee $44R and $48NR.
Gentle Yoga is suitable for all ages and any experience level but is especially adaptable for the varied levels of fitness and flexibility of older adults. A simple chair can be used to help provide support allowing anyone to participate and gain the enjoyment of the exercise. You will learn breathing techniques, work on balance, and build strength. Modifications are always available. Please bring a mat, towel and water. Wear comfortable clothes.